
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Woodridge Mayor and Board of Trustees met March 16.

Woodridge Mayor and Board of Trustees met March 16.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

I. Call to order

II. Roll call

III. Invocation

IV. Pledge of allegiance

V. Executive Session

A. Acquisition of Real Estate

VI. Special awards, presentations, recognitions 

A. RES-2017-12 Resolution of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, Publicly Commending Lisa Friedley as "Employee of the Quarter", 1ST Quarter, 2017 The Village has an Employee Recognition Program. Each quarter an employee receives recognition by his/her employee peers. Lisa Friedley has been selected as Employee of the Quarter for this 1st Quarter of 2017.

VII. Comments from the public 

A. Comments Not Related to Agenda Items

B. Comments Related to Agenda Items

VIII. Omnibus agenda 

All items on the omnibus vote agenda are considered routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.

A. ORD-2017-7 An Ordinance Amending the Village Code of the Village of Woodridge - Title 3, Section 3-8-3 License. This ordinance amends Village Code requiring all debts to the Village be paid prior to the issuance of a tobacco license.

B. RES-2017-13 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a 2017 Ford F-550 Diesel 4X4 One Ton Dump Truck Cab and Chassis from Currie Motors, Frankfort Illinois, Under the 2016/17 Suburban Purchasing Cooperative through Northwest Municipal Conference Joint Purchase Program This resolution approves the purchase of one (1) Ford F-550 one ton dump truck cab chassis from Currie Motors, Frankfort Illinois, the 2016/17 Northwest Municipal Conference – Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Contract Holder. This vehicle replaces existing Vehicle #336, a 2007 Ford F- 550 Dump Truck.

C. Motion to Approve a One (1) Year Contract Extension Under Bid 2015-06 to Beary Landscape for Turf Maintenance Services for the Period of April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.  This motion approves a one (1) year extension of the Turf Maintenance Services Agreement awarded under Bid 2015-06 to Beary Landscape for the period of April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 in the annual amount of $55,326.00. The services include the mowing of 84 acres of public properties, medians, and rights of way one time per week for the 7 month growing season.

D. ORD-2017-8 An Ordinance Amending the Village Code of the Village of Woodridge –Title 6, Section 6-6-10: Schedule X – Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited No stopping, standing or parking zones are proposed to be added along a portion of 101st Street and a portion of Providence Drive.

E. RES-2017-14 A Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of Water main Improvements and the Bill of Sale for Water main Improvements for Woodridge Horizon - 8099 Janes Avenue. Approval of this Resolution would transfer ownership of watermain improvements completed for Woodridge Horizon at 8099 Janes Avenue from Woodridge Horizon Limited Partnership to the Village of Woodridge.

F. ORD-2017-9 An Ordinance Amending the Village Code of the Village of Woodridge –Title 6, Section 6-6-2: Schedule II – School Zones This ordinance updates the location descriptions of all school zones in the Village based on the recent sign replacement at all schools in the Village.

G. RES-2017-15 A Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code, Authorizing the Mayor and Village Board to Appropriate $1,115,000.00 of MFT Funds for the 2017 Road Improvements Program. The adoption of this resolution will allow the Village to utilize MFT funds for the 2017 construction season. Work and materials will include roadway resurfacing and maintenance.

H. RES-2017-16 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Certain Agreement for Consultant Services Between the Village of Woodridge and V3 Companies - Crabtree Creek Access Lot Improvements This is a contract between the Village and V3 Companies to provide design and construction engineering services as well as various permitting requirements for the Crabtree Creek Access Lot Improvement. Based on timing for design and regulatory permit approvals, construction is not planned until 2018.

I. RES-2017-17 A Resolution Accepting the Shop Woodridge Action Plan Approval of this resolution would accept the Shop Woodridge Action Plan as a Village of Woodridge planning document.

J. ORD-2017-10 An Ordinance to Approve and Publish the Official Zoning Map of the Village of Woodridge Each year the Village is required to update the Village of Woodridge Official Zoning Map to incorporate recent annexations, subdivisions, special use permits, zoning changes and new roads.

K. RES-2017-18 A Resolution Accepting a Certain Water main Easement – Woodridge Horizon - 8099 Janes Avenue Approval of this Resolution would grant a 15 foot water main easement to the Village of Woodridge on the Woodridge Horizon property located at 8099 Janes Avenue.

L. RES-2017-19 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Water main Maintenance Agreement for Woodridge Horizon - 8099 Janes Avenue The proposed Water main Maintenance Agreement outlines both short and long term maintenance and replacement cost responsibilities for the water main located at 8099 Janes Avenue (Woodridge Horizon). M. Board Minutes of the Workshop Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on January 19, 2017. 

N. Board Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on February 2, 2017.

O. Board Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on March 2, 2017.

P. Board Minutes of the Executive Session of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on March 2, 2017.

Q. Accounts Payable Registers for 2/24/2017 & 3/3/2017

IX. Presentation of communications and correspondence 

X. Mayor's report

XI. Administrator's report

XII. Active agenda 

XIII. Unfinished and new business

XIV. Adjournment
