
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Village of Addison Building, Zoning & Development Committee met March 13.

Village of Addison Building, Zoning & Development Committee met March 13.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Approval of Minutes of the August 22nd, 2016 Building, Zoning & Development Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Consideration of an Ordinance approving the second addendum to the Business Development Agreement for Caputo’s Fresh Markets (completion deadline extension request). 

5. Consideration of an Ordinance to approve modifications to Chapter 17 of the Village Code (Streets and Sidewalks) to incorporate provisions for the installation of personal wireless service facilities (small cells) in the public right-of-way. 

6. Consideration to approve the model Master License Agreement outlining the provisions for the installation of personal wireless service facilities (small cells) in the public right-of-way.

7. Audience participation

8. Other Business, at the discretion of the Chairman

9. Executive Session if needed

10. Adjournment
