
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lisle Board of Trustees holds workshop meeting on 2017-18 budget draft

Webp budget 06

Lisle Board of Trustees met Monday, Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes as provided by Lisle:





1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Broda called to order a workshop meeting of the Village of Lisle Board of Trustees at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13, 2017 in the Village Hall Board Room, 925 Burlington Avenue, Lisle, Illinois 60532.

The following minutes constitute a summary of the events and discussions that transpired during the subject meeting, and do not purport to be a transcript of such. Where transcripts exist, they are available for inspection under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.

Present: Mayor Broda; Trustees Boyle, Carballo (arrived 7:02 PM), Cawiezel, Hettich,

Mandel and McGOVern

Absent: None

Also Present: Acting Village Manager Ertmoed, Finance Director Schiller, Finance Director Schiller, Public Works Director Elias, Staff Engineer/Stormwater Administrator Sucoe, Economic Development Coordinator Kelly, Village Clerk Seeden and Deputy Village Clerk Curran

Mayor Broda led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. 2017 / 2018 Budget: Draft 2

Finance Director Schiller reviewed changes made to the budget; the changes are outlined in her February 8th staff report included with the packet, she also indicated what attachments were included in the packet.

Acting Village Manager Ertmoed spoke on yearly fire safety inspections performed by the Lisle Woodridge Fire Protection District and how they would like to start changing for this service. He stated they will continue to discuss this with the District.

Trustee Mandel questioned what service(s) does the Village provide to the district that we should start charging for. Mr. Ertmoed stated the Village charges an.11g surcharge for fuel, this allows them to use our fueling station; he added that nothing comes to mind that they receive for no cost. Director Schiller added that the Village changes the Fire & Park Districts what we pay for fuel plus the.11g surcharge per gallon, and the surcharge goes into the capital equipment replacement fund saving for future replacement of fuel tanks. Trustee Mandel stated that the.11g is probably not covering their share of the tank replacement and the Village should consider raising that amount.

Mayor Broda remarked on cost sharing of a School Resource Officer with School Districts 202 & 203, Director Schiller commented on what the districts financially contribute.

Director Schiller stated the bike sharing program, Zagster, has been deferred and removed from this draft of the budget.

Ms. Schiller pointed out that $40K has been taken out of hotel/motel tax reserves and put into fund 39 for a grant for the restaurant, retail or façade grant program. Trustee Cawiezel asked where the EDC stands on grants. Coordinator Kelly stated the EDC supports continuing the program and recommended modifications to the application process that focus more on the financial stability of the application and not so much on the scope and dimension of the project.

Trustee Cawieze stated she would like to see the program moved to a performance based rebate as opposed to an upfront grant and also that it not be limited to just restaurants, it should include retail. Mr. Kelly commented on the build-out cost associated with a restaurant as opposed to a retail business. Trustee Boyle stated that $40K should not make or break the business.

Trustee Hettich remarked that if the program were to switch to a tax rebate program you take away incentive and benefits, adding that the need is more at the front end of the business. Trustee Carballo stated that the amount of the grant should be related to amount of investment and benefit it brings to the community.

Trustee Boyle questioned how many restaurants grants in the last five years has the Village Board approved and how much sales tax those businesses have produced.

Mr. Kelly explained that he is expecting a letter of intent for a space in the new Marq on Main and they will be seeking the full $40K grant, adding their build-out cost are over one million. Trustee Boyle asked that it be made clear to them that they should not assume the full $40K will be awarded to them.

Director Schiller stated that Police Department has requested to use accumulated equitable sharing line item for potential officer body cameras.

Director Schiller then reviewed the dates for the budget hearing and final budget approval.

Trustee Hettich remarked that projected property tax is less for 17/18 than for 16/17. Director Schiller explained that they had to reallocate when the tax levy was done, more funds are going towards Police Pension per the actuary evaluation.

3. 2017 I 2021 Capital improvement Program (CIP)

Public Works Director Elias began with the streets portion of the CIP, the funding level and source. Mayor Broda indicated that the State was not releasing MFT (motor fuel tax) funds to municipalities and how it effects municipality road projects. Mr. Elias discussed how roads are evaluated and how the funding for the road program is determined.

Director Elias pointed out that the Village has been awarded two grants from service transportation program funds by DuPage Mayors and Managers; Benedictine Parkway between Maple and Abbeywood and Green Trails Drive between Naper and College. Director Elias remarked on the importance of the funds, especially for Benedictine Parkway because they will be adding a righthand turn lane with traffic signal modifications which drive up the cost of a project Substantially.

Director Elias next covered water, and this included information regarding main replacement, Water tower repair and the ongoing water meter replacement project. Director Elias pointed out that after next year the Village would be able to adopt a different meter reading system if they so choose, as the Village's meter change-out program will be complete.

Director Elias next spoke on sanitary sewers, he stated that the Village does Cured-in-place pipelining and then described the process. He indicated that the bid was just opened will be before the Village Board shortly for approval. Mayor Broda questioned if the CIP process may be done several times in a pipe. Mr. Elias stated this revitalizes the pipe and makes it a seamless pipe from manhole to manhole and lasts approximate 50 years, adding that it stops the infiltration of tree roots and stormwater.

Director Elias remarked that there are a number projects for the stormwater system; FEMA grant house acquisition and demolition. Director Elias stated that the Army Corp of Engineers and DuPage County will be releasing a feasibility study for the DuPage River watershed, once released the Village will work with them to determine a scope of work and potential budget impact to the Village.

Director Elias spoke on a stormwater culvert at Winchester and Lacey that was constructed in the 1990's and never closed out with the County. He remarked that to close out the permit a compensatory storage stormwater basin will need to be constructed and Stormwater Sucoe has been working with the homeowner on obtaining an easement.

Director Elias stated the Village has budgeted funds for a stormwater watershed study in 2017/2018. The study will be used to identify, review and prioritize areas of localized flooding impacting private properties and rights-of-way.

Director Elias remarked that the pedestrian bridge on Main Street, just north of Short Street, has been differed, he then explained how the Village will be approaching the project instead of replacing the wooden bridge, adding that easements from residents need to be acquired. Trustees Boyle and Cawiezel stated the bridge is very charming and encouraged Director Elias to find a way to replace the bridge with something of the like, instead of removing it.

Director Elias remarked that funds have been budgeted for the construction of a rain garden in the Garfield Avenue right-of-way adjacent to the parking lot. The rain garden will help water percolate into the ground and give the Village a water quality benefit by allowing the water to filter through the plants before entering the pond. Trustee McGovern asked for a description of what a rain garden is. Ms. Sucoe explained what it is and how it works. Director Schiller pointed out that the funds to be used will be out of a best management practices funds.

Director Elias spoke on the change to the sidewalk repair and replacement portion of the program; incorporating the shaving of concrete. Director Elias then explained the process and how it is more effective to fix minor elevation changes by this method rather than replacing the squares as a whole, adding there is a great cost Saving.

Mayor Broda pointed out that he does not see rebar going into the sidewalk to prevent buckling, much like in the curb. Director Elias stated remarked that there is limitation on the Construction due to the thickness of the concrete, adding that it often times happens at the same location due to tree roots pushing up.

Director Elias stated that the Village has received a Safe Routes to School Grant to construct sidewalk on Winchester from Ogden to Middleton. Adding that it will be put out to bid in April and constructed this year.

Director Elise stated that they have budgeted $700K for the downtown Ogden streetlight project; he stated that this will cover the decorative option, if chosen. Trustee Cawiezel questioned what the objective of the project is. Director Elias stated to address the safety of pedestrians as they cross Ogden Avenue. Trustee Cawiezel asked if a streetlight, or two, could be placed at Center and Ogden and the Church, and does the Village need to be spending $700K on those who are choosing not to use the protected crossings at Main or the Post Office. Director Elias remarked it is up to the State and they will not allow us to install just two fixtures, there is a minimum length. Trustee Cawiezel asked if another CrossWalk could be added; Director Elias stated the State is planning on resurfacing Ogden and will remove any unprotected Crossing on the street as well as removing curbs and ramps that don't have protected crossings with signals. Director Elias stated he can investigate what the required length is and if it is less than what the Village is proposing.

Trustee Mandel pointed out that people do not use the post office Crossing, and the safety issue needs to be addressed for those who park in the church lot, as well as those who live in the Subdivision behind it.

Karen Larson, Lisle, remarked that after speaking to an engineer from DOT she learned that standard poles are 200 feet apart and decorative poles are 100 feet apart. Director Elias explained that if the Village uses a decorative option, it will be roadway lighting with a pedestrian scale decorative fixture on the back of the pole and does not play into the photometric that IDOT uses to approve road lighting levels.

Ms. Larson stated that spending $700K on lighting is not going to bring business into Lisle, she then stated the Village should be spending the money on a development where Weldon Hardware was. Mayor Broda explained that because of the gas station on the corner and soil remediation going on development won't occur until a no further remediation letter is issued. Trustee Hettich added that there is a downtown TIF in place and it should encourage redevelopment, he added that banks own the gas station and mall and there is not much the Village can do.

Director Elias stated that the Village will be using this upcoming year to inventory its streetlights and working with ComEd for a better per light rate for non-metered lights.

Mayor Broda spoke on grants other communities have received for ready to go conversion projects. Director Elias stated that is why the inventory is so important so the Village knows what its stock and type is and what needs to be converted.

Director Elias stated that there are no major bridge projects at this time, they continue to do annual inspections per IDOT.

Director Elias briefly spoke on the 5 year plan for Village facilities and the Public Works feasibility 1 space study, which is nearing completion. He pointed out that garage door replacements will be in the near future.

4. Commuter Train Station Concession Licenses

Acting Village Manager Ertmoed stated that at one time there were four different types of licenses issued at the train station, but since the passing of Dennis McLaughlin there are none currently issued. He then reviewed how the Village currently awards the licenses. Acting Manager Ertmoed stated staff is recommending that the Board revise Village Code to allow for an RFP (request for proposal) process for a vendor inside the train station.

Trustee Carballo stated that has spoken with Dennis' wife and she either wanted to continue with the coffee cart or sell the business. Trustee Carballo remarked that because he was such a long standing tenant that Dennis' wife should have the option to renew the lease and continue the business or to sell the business With the lease.

Acting Manager Ertmoed pointed out that the license is non-transferable and there are already two other people that are in front of her that have submitted applications.

Trustee Carballo asked how Dennis was able to keep the license for 20 years. Business Office Manager Curran stated no one else ever applied and he renewed it yearly. Trustee Carballo stated there should be an exception for the family because of this death.

Trustee Mandel remarked that the license is currently on a first come, first serve basis. Acting Manager Ertmoed said that is correct, whoever submits an application first, and passes the background, would be eligible for the license. Trustee Mandel stated that so you just get the first tenant and not necessarily the best.

Trustee Boyle asked what the four licenses are and costs. Mr. Ertmoed stated there is a license for an indoor concessioner, an outdoor concessioner (food truck), a newspaper vendor and an ATM and the license was $200 per month.

Trustee Carballo remarked how the coffee cart was a part of a commuters daily routine. Trustee Carballo again remarked that the family should be allowed to retain the license. Business Office Manager Curran added that none of the applications submitted to the Village over the years included her name.

Mayor Broda stated that he understands what Trustee Carballo is saying, but we are tied to the code. He added that if the Village changes to an RFP process then she, and the other two applicants may all be reviewed.

Business Office Manager reviewed the current code and how the lease worked and Acting Manager Ertmoed stated that with a revision they would be able to change the length of the lease. Mayor Broda remarked on the number of business owners who do not realize that licenses are not transferable.

Trustee Hettich questioned if Burlington Northern had any input on the license. Acting Manager Ertmoed stated their interest is in space use, and ensuring that they are indemnified and covered and the business does not impede operations at the station. Trustee Hettich questioned what would happen if the Village entered into an extended agreement with a business and then BNSF decided to change the station, would the lease no longer be available. Acting manager Ertmoed stated there would be provisions in the agreement that would protect the Village.

Trustee Cawiezel questioned if the RFP would be an open ended term. Acting Manager Ertmoed stated no, there would be a term that the Village Board would approve. Trustee Cawiezel stated that what is being proposed is the best because it gives her (Dennis' wife) an opportunity to apply for lease as Well as otherS.

Trustee Boyle asked how much other municipalities charge to lease their train station space. Trustee Hettich stated that transferability needs to be addressed in the ordinance. Acting Manager Ertmoed stated the lease agreement would be in a business name, so that would address the ability to not transfer the lease and it could not be held in perpetuity.

Mayor Broda acknowledged that the Board was in agreement that they should go through an RFP process and change the code accordingly.

Trustee Carballo stated that if the price of the lease were to increase, that would lead to an increase in product cost. Acting manager Ertmoed stated that product pricing would be taken into account when analyzing the RFPs.

5. DuPage Mayor and Manager Conference (DMMC) Annual Legislative Action

Acting Manager Ertmoed stated that DMMC asks for a resolution of support from its members communities for their legislative action program and contained in the packet is a draft; staff is looking for direction on a resolution.

Mayor Broda stated that the Village has always supported it over the years and it shows power in numbers.

6. Other items of Concern

7. Adjournment

Trustee Mandel moved to adjourn. Trustee McGovern seconded the motion.


The February 13, 2017 Village Board workshop meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.