
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodridge Village Board of Trustees approves TIF Development Agreement

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Woodridge Board of Trustees met Thursday, Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes as provided by Woodridge:

Mayor and Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting


5 Plaza Drive

Woodridge, IL 60517


Thursday, February 16, 2017 7:30 PM Werch Board Room


The Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of 3 Woodridge was called to order by Mayor Gina Cunningham at 7:30 PM Thursday, 4 February 16, 2017 in the Werch Board Room of the Woodridge Village Hall.


6 Upon Roll Call by the Village Clerk the following individuals were:

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Mary Anne Blair Trustee Present

Mike Martinez Trustee Present

Mike Krucek Trustee Present

Kay Page Trustee Present

Gregory Abbott Trustee Present

Eileene Nystrom Village Clerk Present

Gina Cunningham Mayor Present

Peggy Halik Acting Village Administrator Present

Tom Good Village Attorney Present

Nadine Alletto Director of Finance Present

Brian Cunningham Chief of Police Present

Chris Bethel Director of Public Works Present

Michael Mays Director of Community Development Present

Jack Knight Assistant to the Village Administrator Present

Trevor Bosack Management Analyst Present


Mayor Cunningham called for a moment of silence.


The Village Public Works representatives led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


A. Public Works Employee of the Year 2016: Anthony Ventricle

Mayor Cunningham invited Director of Public Works Chris Bethel to the podium 2 to recognize Anthony Ventrice for being chosen as the Public Works Employee of the Year 2016.

Mr. Bethel gave a brief summary of the reasons why Anthony Ventricle was chosen as Public Works Employee of the Year 2016 and congratulated him.

Mayor Cunningham thanked Anthony for his service and congratulated him on being chosen as Public Works Employee of the Year 2016. 


A. Comments Not Related to Agenda Items


B. Comments Related to Agenda Items



Mayor Cunningham explained that all items on the omnibus vote agenda are considered routine by the Village Board and are enacted by one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.

 A. RES-2017-6 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Between the Village of Woodridge and Illinois Department of Transportation-Woodward Avenue Resurfacing from Internationale Parkway to I55 Bridge (16-00073-00-RS)

The Village received a federal grant of $608,419 for the resurfacing of Woodward 28 Avenue (Internationale to I55 Bridge). This agreement confirms the amounts to be paid towards construction between IDOT and Woodridge.

B. RES-2017-7 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Board to Appropriate MFT Funds in the Amount of $243,368 for the Local Share of the Woodward Avenue Resurfacing Project from Internationale Parkway to the I55 Bridge (16-00073-00-RS)

The Village received a federal grant for $608,419 to resurface Woodward Avenue from Internationale Parkway to the I55 Bridge. This resolution will allow the Village to use $243,368 of the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) dollars to cover the local share of the STP grant.

C. Motion to Award a Contract to ADS LLC for Water System Leak Detection and Survey Services - Village of Glenview RFB 216017

This motion would award a contract to ADS LLC for surveying and inspection of the water system in order to identify leaks for 2017. The procurement process was led by the Village of Glenview with a total of nine municipalities participating.

 D. Motion to Award the Bid from the Joint Bid Process by Burr Ridge to Strada Construction Company for Concrete Flatwork for the Second Extension Year 2017

This motion would approve a one year extension of an agreement with Strada Construction Company for the completion of various concrete repairs for the Village at the same unit pricing awarded under the 2015 contract term. The bid process was done jointly with six communities and led by Burr Ridge.

8 E. ORD-2017-4 An Ordinance Granting a Minor Amendment to the Final Planned Unit Development Plan and Plat for Natural Falls Resort - BCHWESTWOOD, LLC

Approval of this Ordinance would grant a minor PUD amendment to allow new garages, modified landscaping and lighting, and the conversion of the tennis court to an open play area in the Natural Falls Resort apartment complex located along the west side of Janes Avenue.

F. ORD-2017-5 An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Personal Property Owned by the Village of Woodridge, Illinois

This Ordinance will allow for the disposal of equipment that is no longer needed by the Village. These items are obsolete and no longer offer any benefit to Village operations. This equipment will be disposed of in any manner deemed appropriate with or without advertisement and with or without compensation.

G. Motion to Approve the Woodridge Route 53 Corridor Pedestrian Connectivity Plan

This motion would approve the Route 53 Corridor Pedestrian Connectivity Plan.

Allowing the Village to apply for grants that require an approved plan.

H. RES-2017-8 A Resolution to Adopt Municipal Legislative Positions and Priorities of the DuPage Mayors and Mangers Conference for the 2017 Legislative Session

As a member of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, the Village is  certifying its support for the legislative priorities identified by the Conference for 2017.

J. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on December 15, 2016 at the Werch Board Room, Village Hall

K. Minutes of the Village Board Study Session of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on January 19, 2017 at the Werch Board Room, Village Hall

L. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on January 19, 2017 at the Werch Board Room, Village Hall

M. Accounts Payable Registers for 1/27/2017 & 2/3/2017

Mayor Cunningham asked if there was a request for separate consideration of any of the Omnibus vote items. Trustee Page asked for item H - Resolution 2017-8 to be considered separately.

As such, Mayor Cunningham entertained a motion to approve Omnibus Vote Items A through G and acceptance of Items I through M and separate consideration of

Resolution 2017-8, item H.

Motion to approve Omnibus vote Items A through G and acceptance of Items I through M, with the exception of H.

Mayor Cunningham asked if there were any comments or questions regarding Item H.

Hearing none, she asked Village Clerk Nystrom to call the roll.


MOVER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

SECONDER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Page, Trustee Abbott

H. RES-2017-8 A Resolution to Adopt Municipal Legislative Positions and Priorities f the DuPage Mayors and Mangers Conference for the 2017 Legislative Session

As a member of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, the Village is certifying its support for the legislative priorities identified by the Conference for 2017.


MOVER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

SECONDER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott

NAYS: Trustee Page 31




Mayor Cunningham mentioned that Prologis/Woodridge scholarship applications are due on Friday, February 17. Further, the Mayor noted that Sunday, February 19 Woodridge Boy Scout Troop 512 will be holding their annual spaghetti dinner at St. Scholastica’s Activity Room from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


A. ORD-2017-6 An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Certain TIF Development Agreement Between the Village of Woodridge and Maureen Grove

This Ordinance approves a TIF Development Agreement with Maureen Grove outlining the parameters for grant funding through the Janes Avenue TIF Residential Grant Program.

Motion to approve Ordinance 2017-6 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Certain TIF Development Agreement Between the Village of Woodridge and Maureen Grove. 7


MOVER: Kay Page, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Page

NAYS: Trustee Abbott 1314

B. RES-2017-9 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Certain Agreement for Professional Services - Engineering Consultant Services Between the Village of Woodridge and Dixon Engineering – Water Tower 2, Engineering and Coating Inspection Services

his is a contract between the Village and Dixon Engineering for Dixon to provide engineering services to develop the Water Tower 2 Painting Bid as well as complete the construction engineering inspection services during the project.

A Motion to approve Resolution 2017-9 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to Execute a Certain Agreement for Professional Services - Engineering Consultant Services Between the Village of Woodridge and  Dixon Engineering - Water Tower 2, Engineering and Coating Inspection Services. 


MOVER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

 AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Page, Trustee Abbott 3334

 C. RES-2017-10 A Resolution Authorizing a Third Amendment to Development Agreement Between the Village of Woodridge and BCHPINERIDGE, LLC and BCHWESTWOOD, LLC – Pine Ridge, Natural Falls and Emerald Courts Approval of this Resolution would approve a Third Amendment to the Development Agreement, which extends the deadline for completion of exterior lighting improvements in the Natural Falls complex by one year

4Trustee Martinez questioned if this was an extension to an agreement that was already extended. Director of Community Development, Michael Mays,explained that the property owner is interested in adding garages. As a result of this improvement, the lighting project has to be delayed so that there is no interference between the projects. Trustee Martinez asked if there would be a problem completing this project within the new time frame. Director Mays stated that he believed the project could be completed within the requested time. 


MOVER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

SECONDER: Kay Page, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Page, Trustee Abbott 






Motion to adjourn.


MOVER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

SECONDER: Kay Page, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Page, Trustee Abbott

The Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge held at 7:30 PM on Thursday, February 16, 2017 in the Werch Board Room of the Woodridge  Village Hall was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Halik

Assistant Village Administrator

Office of the Village Clerk

Eileene Nystrom

Village Clerk

Approved: _____________________

Gina Cunningham
