
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Aurora Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 27.

City of Aurora Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 27.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:



17-00066 Approval of the 1/23/2017 BGI meeting minutes.


17-00064 A Resolution Authorizing the Replacement of Programmable Logic Controllers for Filter Nos. 9 - 12, Claricone 5, and Sample Room 2 for the Water

Production Division.

17-00074 A Resolution Authorizing Well Maintenance Services for Well No. 101 for the Water Production Division.

17-00078 A Resolution to award a Contract for the Fox Valley East Booster Station

Generator Improvements project for the Water Production Division

17-00110 A Resolution accepting the improvements and maintenance security for

Chicago Premium Outlets - Main Expansion

17-00111 A Resolution accepting the improvements and maintenance security for

Chicago Premium Outlets - Intersection Improvements - Bilter and Premium

Outlets Blvd.

17-00112 A Resolution accepting the improvements and maintenance security for

Chicago Premium Outlets - Parking Expansion.

17-00135 A Resolution for the acceptance of improvements and waiving the maintenance period for Calvary Church - Maintenance Building - 1079 S. State Rt. 59.

17-00148 A Resolution to award the contract for the W. New York Street & Spruce Street Sewer Separation Improvement Project to H. Linden & Sons Sewer and Water Inc. in the amount of seven hundred seventy four thousand, seven hundred

fifty-four dollars and twenty cents ($774,754.20).

17-00049 128-130 N. Farnsworth Av. - Sump Pump Connection Agreement:

17-00136 The City's stormwater management program is designed to minimize the

discharge of pollutants from its storm sewer system through: public engagement, code enforcement, and good housekeeping for municipal operations. The components of this program are prescribed by a permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (NPDES Phase II Permit).