
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met Feb. 16.

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met Feb. 16.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Correspondence

5. Audience Participation

A. Presentation of the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting in recognition of the Village of Winfield’s 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Less than 10 percent of local governments in Illinois earn this distinction. This is the 22nd consecutive year the Village has received this award.

B. Public Comments

The opportunity to speak to the Village Board is provided for those who have a question or comment on an agenda item or Village of Winfield issue that will stimulate thought so as to make the Village Board deliberations more productive and meaningful. The Village Board appreciates hearing from our residents and your thoughts and questions are valued. Respect for the duties of the Village Board and for the democratic process will be adhered to – in this regard, civility and a sense of decorum will be strictly followed. All speakers must address their comments to the Board. Comments that are personally condescending will not be permitted. Please use the microphone when speaking as the proceedings are being televised. Please state your name and address before commenting – all comments under Audience Participation are limited to three (3) minutes and each citizen will only be permitted to speak once.

6. Consent Agenda

A. Motion approving minutes from the Village Board and Committee of the Whole meeting held on February 2, 2017.

B. Motion approving payment of bills for February 16, 2017.

C. Motion approving a Temporary Use Permit and waiving applicable sections of the Village Code associated with the Winfield PTO Tiger Run scheduled for April 8th.

D. Motion approving a request from Misericordia Heart of Mercy Center to conduct a “Tag Days” fundraising event on April 28th and April 29th. 

7. Motion to approve a resolution to adopt the municipal legislative positions and priorities of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for the 2017 legislative session. Village President Erik Spande will present information on legislative priorities. This item was reviewed at the Committee of the Whole on February 2, 2017 with direction to proceed forward to a formal vote.

8. Motion to approve an ordinance amending traffic, water and sewer, and subdivision regulations, as well as updating the Village Fines and Fee charts in the Village Code. Finance Director Lynn McCammon will present information on the various regulations and charts to be updated. Revisions include correcting commuter parking hours, updating Water and Sewer regulations to match current operations standards, and updating Village fines and fees to be consistent with previous Village code updates. These items were presented to the Village Board during the Committee of the Whole on February 2, 2017 with direction to proceed to a formal vote.

9. Motion to approve a change order request for the 2016-2017 Watermain and Storm Sewer Project contract with Performance Construction & Engineering, of Yorkville, IL, in the not-toexceed amount of $30,000 for a revised contract total amount of $338,800 to be expensed to the FY 16-17 Water & Sewer Capital Improvements Fund. Village Engineer Dan Watson will present information on a change order request for this year’s watermain and storm sewer project. The Village Board awarded the 2016-2017 Watermain and Storm Sewer Project contract to Performance Construction & Engineering at the December 15, 2016 Village Board meeting for $308,800. The change order request is due to additional work required on watermain along Winfield Road adjacent to Central DuPage Hospital.

10. Trustee Comments & Reports of Committees and independent communications with developers

11. Other Village Officials’ Reports and Comments

A. Village President

B. Village Attorney

C. Village Clerk

D. Village Manager

E. Village Finance Director - Treasurer’s Report for January

12. Adjournment