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Bensenville Elementary School District No. 2 Board of Education met Jan. 18.
Here are the minutes as provided by Bensenville ESD No. 2:
Bensenville Elementary School District
Special Board of Education Meeting
Minutes – January 18, 2017
President Robert Laudadio called the special meeting of Bensenville Elementary School District 2 Board of Education, DuPage County to order at 7:00 p.m., at Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, Illinois.
Roll call verified that there was a quorum of the Board present with the following members present and absent as listed below:
Board of Education Title Present Absent
Kathleen Bossier Vice-president X
Katie Krajecki Member X(arrived 7:10 p.m.)
Bob Laudadio President X
Donna Prunotto Secretary X
Nancy Quinn Member X
Jorge Sanchez Treasurer X(arrived 7:01 p.m.)
Matt Vassar Member X
Dr. James Stelter Superintendent X
Dr. Kay Dugan Asst. Supt. For Learning X
Mr. Paul Novack Chief Financial Officer X
EAC Staff
Cindy Snyder
Administrative Asst. to the Superintendent &
Clerk of the Board X
Staff Members: Craig Baker, Nick Georgopoulos, Valerie Mazzone
A motion was made by Mr. Vassar and seconded by Mrs. Bossier that the Board of Education approves the agenda as presented. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Laudadio led all in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Hearing of Delegations: none
Administrative Reports
A. Enrollment Report - Dr. Stelter reported there are 2262 students enrolled in District 2 with 32 in the Headstart program.
B. FOIA Report - none
C. Parent Survey - Dr. Stelter presented the Parent Survey Summary. He also reported that he is disappointed with the number of parent surveys completed this year. This is the 13th year of surveys.
D. W.A. Johnson Co-Principal Update – Dr. Stelter reported that he, Dr. Dugan and a team of 3 teachers met with 6 candidates. The group with board and parent representation will meet to interview the three finalists the 2nd week of February.
E. QZAB Update – Mr. Novack reported that The District completed its issuance of the QZABs on December 21, 2016. The bonds use the full allotment awarded by the State Board of Education after a competitive application process.
Face Amount $2,646,000
Interest Rate to District 0.75%
Maturity May 1, 2046
Issuance Costs $69,583
The bonds will be repaid from existing revenue sources without a tax increase. No other bonds are due in the same year that these bonds will be repaid.
Mr. Novack reported on options considered: The bond proceeds reimbursed the Operations & Maintenance fund for 2015 renovation costs at Blackhawk. The O&M fund will use the reimbursement for PreK construction costs at Tioga.
Mr. Novack reported that there is no need for action at this time.
F. Construction Update – Mr. Novack reported that the roof is on. They are working on schedule all is going well.
G. Mid-year Financial Report Mr. Novack presented the Mid-Year Financial Review; Comments on Noteworthy Variances
• Property tax revenue is on-track.
• Food service revenue is on-track, with slightly lower proportion of USDA-paid students than in the past.
• Federal revenues are on-track.
• State revenues are on-track in General State Aid, but other key grants are $465,000 behind last year’s pace. Full funding is expected eventually, but whether it will come before year-end cannot be predicted.
• Personnel costs are almost exactly as budgeted with little spending from contingency.
Additional second half hiring will be paid for from the contingency and from new grant funds (outreach grant).
• Purchased services would be below budget except for a double billing of school resource officer cost; e.g., after no billing in 2015-16. The full-year purchasing total is likely to be closer to budget than is now the case.
• Supplies are over budget, which is typical for the first half of the year. Full-year results should be at or near budget.
• Special education tuition is over budget, primarily from an adjustment to 2015-16 billings for enrollment increases in the second half of 2015-16. It will probably be over budget for the full-year as well. Contingencies in other areas will not be spent and so can cover this item.
• Bond issuance costs were $25,000 less than budgeted.
• Capital outlays have been mostly as budgeted, with little spending from contingencies.
Full-year results could come in below budget.
• Construction costs are about as budgeted. Some savings in general conditions and allowances are likely.
• For operations, the full-year budget was break-even after allowing for $335,000 of contingencies. Some of these contingencies will probably not be spent. If state revenues catch up by June 30, then operations could finish with a surplus of $100,000 or more.
• Construction spending from District savings will be about $1.7 million, as budgeted. This amount is after applying bond proceeds and Metropolitan Family’s contribution.
At 7:10 p.m. Mrs. Krajecki joined the meeting.
H. State School Funding, Staff Salaries & Benefits for Next Year, and Other Impacts on Five-Year Forecast – Mr. Novack re-presented the 5-Year Forecast from the November 2, 2016 meeting.
Consent Items:
A. Approval of Minutes
1. Regular Board of Education Meeting – December 14, 2016
Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the above listed minutes as presented and attached.
B. Approval of Financial Reports
1. Bills December 2016
a. Accounts Payable
b. Imprest Checks
c. Advanced Checks
d. Construction Checks
2. Treasurer’s Cash Report as of December, 2016
3. Investment Summary as of December 31, 2016
4. Tax Distribution Report as of December 31, 2016
5. Activity Fund Report December, 2016
6. Financial Statements as of December 31, 2016
Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the above listed financial reports as presented and attached
C: Personnel
I. Resignation of Employment – Certified Staff
Recommendation: That the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Judy Gonzalez, 4th Grade Sheltered Teacher, Johnson School effective December 18, 2016.
II. Resignation of Employment – Classified Staff
Recommendation: That the Board of Education accepts the resignation of the following classified staff members:
1. Patricia Pehanich, Math Paraprofessional, Tioga School, effective January 3, 2017.
2. Janet Marcus, Ph.D., Part-Time Certified School Bilingual Psychologist, (2 days a week), will not return for the 2017-2018 school year.
3. Jeffrey Jett II, Special Education Instructional Aide, Johnson School, effective January 9, 2017.
4. Tina Colantonio, Crossing Guard/Lunch Aide, Tioga School, effective December 16, 2016.
III. Ratification of Employment – Certified Staff for 2016-17
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the employment of the following certified staff for the balance of the 2016-2017 school year:
1. Jennifer Dolson, Special Education Teacher, Tioga School, effective January 3, 2017.
2. Maria Gil, 4th Grade Sheltered Teacher, Johnson School, effective January 9, 2017.
3. Denise Rabatah, 6th grade maternity long-term Math substitute, Blackhawk Middle School, from approximately January 3 to February 11, 2017.
IV. Ratification of Employment – Classified Staff
Recommendation: That the Board of Education ratifies the employment of the following classified staff:
1. Soo Ji Moore, RN Nurse for Tioga, effective January 3, 2017.
2. David Martinez, Math Paraprofessional, Tioga School, effective January 18, 2017.
3. Katrina Rothenback, Full-Time Pre-K Paraprofessional, Tioga School, effective January 12, 2017.
4. Marian Quijano, Lunch Supervisor, Tioga School, effective January 11, 2017.
5. Tereon Teague, Kindergarten Aide, Tioga School, effective January 23, 2017.
6. Anne Ragauskis, Math Aide, Johnson School, effective January 6, 2017.
7. Vilbert Dominguez, Full-Time Infant/Toddler Specialist, District wide, effective January 9, 2017.
8. Arcelia Garay, Full-Time Infant/Toddler Specialist, District wide, effective January 3, 2017.
9. Tim Waldorf, Community Relations Coordinator for the District, effective February 13, 2017.
V. Approval of Long-Term Substitute
Recommendation: That the Board of Education ratifies the employment of the following long-term substitutes:
1. Melanie Kaderabek, Long-term Substitute for a 6th grade science teacher at Blackhawk Middle School, effective after Winter Break until the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
2. Alexandra Redderoth, Long-term Substitute for a 6th grade language arts teacher at Blackhawk Middle School, effective approximately after Winter Break until the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
D: Interfund Loan from the Working Cash Fund to the Retirement Income / Social Security Fund and the Tort Fund
Recommendation: That the Board of Education adopt the resolution authorizing occasional loans from Working Cash (i) to the Municipal Retirement / Social Security Fund up to $110,000 outstanding at any one time, and (ii) to the Tort Fund up to $50,000 outstanding at any one time.
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Vassar, Sanchez, Krajecki, Laudadio, Prunotto, Quinn,
Nay: none
Absent: Bossier,
Motion Carried
Conference/Action Items
A. Award Electricity Supply Contract – Mr. Novack reported that the District purchases electricity for four buildings, in each case from non-ComEd suppliers. This memorandum concerns only the electricity supply to the EAC. The three schools are under contract until November 2017, at $0.0645 per kw.
The EAC’s contract expires in April 2017, at a price of $0.063. Current prices are near or slightly below this amount.
Mr. Novack reported that today’s estimated price is $0.0618 for a six-month contract from Direct Energy, for April to October. A binding price will be available by the date of the Board meeting.
The six-month contract is preferred for two reasons. First, it will expire at the same time as the schools’ contracts. This will permit shopping all four buildings for renewal in November 2017 as a combined package. Second, grid surcharges will fall in July 2017, which should be reflected in pricing this summer. The District’s adviser, ProEnergy Consulting, therefore recommends a short-term contract at this time.
The District monitors pricing. Locking in at this time is recommended. A twelve-month contract is not recommended because of the grid pricing decline that takes effect in July.
A motion was made by Mrs. Prunotto and seconded by Mrs. Quinn that the Board authorize Administration to award an electricity supply contract for the EAC, for the next six months at a fixed price at or near $0.062 per kW.
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Prunotto, Quinn, Vassar, Sanchez, Krajecki, Laudadio,
Nay: none
Absent: Bossier,
Motion Carried
B. 2nd Reading and Adoption of School Board Member Handbook – Dr. Stelter reported that at the meeting on December 14 the a School Board Member Handbook was presented. This handbook was revised from a model that Benjamin School district has adopted. The administration feels that this is a good tool to be used for new board members. It was reviewed with our two newest board members and the superintendent.
The administration feels that it is a good tool to use to orientate new board members to their board role as a board member.
A motion was made by Mr. Vassar and seconded by Mrs. Quinn that the Board of Education adopt the School Board Member Handbook as presented. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.
C. 2017-2018 Calendar Review – Dr. Stelter presented the 2017-2018 calendar for review. There was a consensus of the board to hold a teacher institute day on Monday January 8th. With the 1st day back after winter break 1/9/2018. Dr. Stelter will bring a final version to the 2/15/2017 for approval.
D. Superintendent Evaluation Process – Dr. Stelter reported that he will bring a 1st draft to the February 1, 2017 committee meeting.
New Business
Mr. Novack reported that there is water pooling at the Mohawk playground site due to the sidewalk being put in. This issue will be fixed in the spring.
Closed Session -
At 7:45 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mr. Vassar that the Board of
Education go into closed session for Negotiations - Collective negotiating matters between the public body and itsemployees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Krajecki, Vassar, Laudadio, Prunotto Quinn, Sanchez
Nay: None
Absent: Bossier,
Motion Carried.
At 8:06 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mr. Vassar that the Board of Education adjourn from closed session. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye.
Motion carried.