
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bensenville Elementary School District No. 2 Board announces water at all three schools passed lead test

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Bensenville Elementary School District No. 2 Board of Education met Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Here are the minutes as provided by Bensenville ESD No. 2:

Bensenville Elementary School District

Regular Board of Education Meeting

Minutes – February 1, 2017

President Robert Laudadio called the Committee of the Whole meeting of Bensenville Elementary School District 2 Board of Education, DuPage County to order at 6:30 p.m., at Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, Illinois.

Roll call verified that there was a quorum of the Board present with the following members present and absent as listed below:

Board of Education Title Present Absent

TBD Vice-president

Katie Krajecki Member X

Bob Laudadio President X

Donna Prunotto Secretary X

Nancy Quinn Member X

Jorge Sanchez Treasurer X (arrived 6:31 pm)

Matt Vassar Member X


Dr. James Stelter Superintendent X

Dr. Kay Dugan Asst. Supt. For Learning X

Mr. Paul Novack Chief Financial Officer X

EAC Staff

Cindy Snyder

Administrative Asst. to the Superintendent & Clerk of the Board X

Staff: Cora Popescu, Mary Petersen, Craig Baker

Others: Oronzo Peconio, Chuck Rizzo, Mark Keane, Llaninet Garzon,

A motion was made by Mr. Vassar and seconded by Mrs. Krajecki that the Board of Education approve the agenda as presented. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Hearing of Delegations: Llanient Garzon, community member looking for Early Education (Pre-K program) for her child who just turned 3 in December.


A. 2017 Summer School Update – Dr. Dugan highlighted some of the summer school changes to the proposed summer school. It was suggested to host at one school only – Tioga, but hold Jump Start at BMS. Summer School will include enrichment classes also.

IV. Finance

A. Review of Accounts Payable – Mr. Novack reported that February’s proposed payments would be distributed in a few days.

B. Report on Balance on Working Cash Fund - Mr. Novack discussed a proposal to transfer funds from the Working Capital fund to Operations & Maintenance. The District’s Working Cash fund does not make expenditures directly. Its purpose is to advance cash to other funds as needed to make expenditures in those other funds. Loans are repaid as soon as taxes are received in the borrowing fund.

By School Code, part of the Working Cash fund may be permanently abated (transferred) to another fund that needs the money, subject to a minimum balance that the Working Cash fund must retain.

Mr. Novack also reported that the Working Cash fund’s balance at December 31, 2016 was $2,355,174.47. This is higher than either the minimum amount or likely future advances.

• No advances are outstanding at this time. Authorized advances for calendar year 2017 are $160,000.

• The total advances in 2016 were $103,000.

• The largest advance ever made was $314,000 in 2014 to the Retirement and Social Security Fund.

• The District’s minimum balance is about $325,000.

Administration believes a balance of $500,000 would be sufficient for the near future. An abatement to the Operations & Maintenance Fund is therefore recommended. The O&M Fund, among all the District’s funds, is in most need of the transfer because of its construction spending.

Mr. Novack reported on options to be considered: The Working Cash Fund can levy taxes if it needs additional cash. Total tax levies in the Fund since 2010 are only $70,000.

Mr. Novack reported that the Board of Education consider, at its February 15 meeting, a resolution to abate $1,850,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Operations & Maintenance Fund.

C. School Funding, Proposed Property Tax Freeze – Mr. Novack reported that the district could lose $800,000 if the Illinois legislature approves a property tax freeze. The revenue loss would be repeated each year.

D. IGA with Village for Bus Repair Space – Mr. Novack reported that the District transportation department has been repairing busses at the Village-owned garage on Redmond since fall. The administration is reviewing the Village’s proposed written agreement for this use.

V. Building

A. Tioga Pre-K Construction Update – Mr. Novack reported that January construction has gone well, the project is about 35% done.

B. Construction Manager Contract Update – Mr. Novack reported he will be bring a contract on 2/15/2017 for the board to approve.

C. Planning for Building Maintenance and for Student Safety – the Board received Administration’s written report.

D. Water Testing– Mr. Novack reported that water supplies at all three schools passed lead testing that was recently done. The tests meet the new Illinois requirements for lead testing.

VI. Personnel

A. Superintendent Evaluation Process – Dr. Stelter reported that he will submit his progress review report for review at the 2/15/2017 meeting. 1st Phase should be done by the end of February.

VII. Board Vacancy

A. Review Board Vacancy process – Due to the resignation of Mrs. Bossier on 1/31/2017 the board has 45 days to fill the vacancy.

VIII. Community Relations

A. Strategic Plan Update – Dr. Stelter reported that the details are in his evaluation report.

Some highlights are: standard based grading, consulting teachers modeling; student life – Frida Kahlo afterschool programing. Special Ed review will be done on 2/15, and ELL for FY2017-18 in March. Dr. Stelter has met with student council at elementary and middle school regarding the student survey. The development of District wide communication plan will begin after Tim Waldorf our newly hired Community Relations Coordinator starts on 2/13/2017

2-1-2017 BOE Minute

B. Calendar Review - Dr. Stelter reported that the administration moved the winter break to begin on 12/25 to align with Fenton. Fenton has aligned their start date to more closely align with BSD2. Dr. Stelter will also look at the possibility of moving early release Thursday to Tuesday to also align with Fenton.

C. Jet Noise Monitor Station at Mohawk Park – Mr. Novack reported that the City of Chicago has permission to install a jet noise monitor station at Mohawk Park. There would be no cost to the District.

IX. Policy

A. 1st Reading Policy Revisions – Mr. Novack presented the policies for 1st reading: 2:125, 4:60, 4:110, 4:130, 5:30, 5:60, 5:190, 5:280, 7:150, 7:60, 7:310. These topics are covered:

1. Breakfasts, Hiring, Residency, Investigations, and Student Publications

2. Every Student Succeeds Act

3. Expense Reimbursement

New Business

• Dr. Stelter reported that he is working on planning the BSD2 Town Carnival on 5/18, 19, 20, 21, 2017.

A percentage of the proceeds will go to the PTA/O, Youth Coalition, Rotary as in the past.

• Mr. Novack reported that the District’s health insurance costs are projected to increase in 2017-18.

The District’s insurance cooperative tentatively projects an increase of about 6.5%, with final numbers to be determined in late March. This is a higher increase than considered in the five-year forecast provided last month. The District finds that its membership in the cooperative helps it control costs better than it could do on its own.

• Dr. Stelter reported that Administration will meet with the Bensenville Education Association to exchange financial data for the contract negotiations.


At 7:38 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mrs. Quinn adjourn the meeting.

Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.

No further business appearing Mr. Laudadio adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.