City of Geneva Natural Resources Commission met Dec. 7.
Here is the agenda as provided by the Commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Jay Womack, Bill Doeckel, Adam McMillen, Jeanine McMillen, Tom Dickinson, Carrie Carter, John Frankenthal, Lauren Jennison, Jim Clesen, Dan Ludwig, Leslie Juby, Brendan Cassin
3. Amendments to the Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Active Projects:
Earth Day Event 2017
i. Get psyched for April 22, 2017
Eastside Fire Station Natural Landscaping Project
i. Landscape is asleep
River Clean-up Day
i. Look forward to bigger day in 2017
ii. Feedback from meeting with City of Batavia
iii. Next meeting should be FREP
Rain Barrels for sale
Rain Barrels on Parade
i. Next event will be 2017
Greening Geneva Initiative
i. School yard trees
1. Wasco will replace trees in 2017
ii. Thank you plaque for Western Avenue.
1. Dedication day at Western Avenue is set for Arbor Day, April 28, 2017.
2. Contact City and School District
Wine, Cheese, and Trees.
i. Persinger Rec Center for 2017, date set for March 4th, 2017
ii. Assign/review Sponsor opportunities
Fabyan Preserve Stewardship
i. December dates are the 17th and 31st
NRC Facebook page
i. General update
6. New Initiatives
Review ordinances from other municipalities, discuss opportunities to strengthen Geneva’s
Discuss next steps for NRC regarding tree replacements/new design initiatives for State Street.
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Additional business
The Woodlands development on Rte 25
9. Adjournment