
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Villa Park Village Board approves road improvements

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The Villa Park Village Board met Monday to approve road improvements.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Public participation is invited on each agenda item prior to the Village Board's deliberation. When called upon, please approach the microphone and state your name and the address where you live. Kindly limit your remarks to three (3) minutes. Public participation involving new or sworn testimony will not be permitted at either the Formal or the Committee-of-Whole meeting of the Village Board on any Planning and Zoning Commission matters for which a public hearing was held.

VILLAGE OF WILLA PARK 20 South Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, Illinois 60181

November 14, 2016 COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE 7:30 PM 

President - Deborah Bullwinkel, Village Clerk - Hosanna Korynecky

Chris J. Aiello, Nick CuZZOne, Albert Bulthuis, Donald Kase, Robert Wagner, and Robert Taglia

1. Call to Order — Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Discussion Authorizing the Sale of Refunding Bonds

For the past several months, staff has been working on a strategy to address the TIF increment shortfall in the North Avenue TIF District (TIF 3) in order to meet the required annual debt payments. The plan was developed to keep all property tax supported debt at a flat amount So property taxpayers would not see an increase in property taxes to meet these obligations. The strategy incorporates existing tax supported bonds, future road referendum bonds, levying for the existing TIF 3 alternate revenue bonds (ARBS) to the extent required, and refunding the TIF 3 debt certificates with ARBs. This is a discussion item only. Kevin McCanna from Speer Financial, our financial advisory firm, will also be on hand at the meeting.

5. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Estimating the Tax Levy for 2016 in Compliance with the Truth in Taxation Law

This is the time of year where the Village Board is to consider its annual property tax levy. The first formal action is tonight's resolution estimating the tax levy. A hearing notice will be published in late November, and a public hearing will be held on December 5. The first reading of the tax levy and abatement ordinances will be held on December 5, with final adoption planned for December 19. The Village is tax capped, meaning the majority of our tax levy can increase by just 0.7% this year. This year, our resolution includes a total tax levy of $9,396,464 (for the Village and Library) or 2.6% more than last year.

6. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Opposing Any Advancement of Senate Bill 2785

Senate Bill 2785 creates the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act, which severely limits local authority by virtually eliminating the ability of cities, villages, incorporated towns, townships, and Counties to regulate the location and installation of small wireless equipment within their jurisdictions, thereby posing a threat to public safety.

7. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing Change Order No. 1 (Final) to the Contract Between the Village of Villa Park and Orange Crush, LLC, for the 2016 North Princeton Avenue improvement Project

The Village has a contract with Orange Crush, LLC, of Hillside, Illinois, for the 2016 North Princeton Avenue improvement Project. Proposed final Change Order #1 consists of the final balancing of contract quantities as measured in the field. The net amount of proposed final Change Order #1 is a deduction of $66,669.71, for an adjusted final contract amount of $932,228.29

8. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement Between the Village of Villa Park and Civiltech Engineering Inc. for the 2017 Street improvements

The Village proposes the third year of bond referendum funded road improvements to various streets located throughout the Village. Public Works Staff proposes using CivilTech Engineering for the Phase il Design Engineering Services. A proposed Engineering Services Agreement establishes the scope of services at a cost not to exceed $181,955. Funds will be taken from the Street improvement Fund (Bond and Non-Bond), Water, and Wastewater Funds.

9. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Amending the Number of Members of the Historical Preservation Commission

At a prior Villa Park Historical Preservation Commission meeting, a motion was passed to reduce the size of the Commission from Seven members to five members. Other Commissions have had similar reductions. This change would allow the VPHPC commission to hold a formal meeting and have a quorum.

10. Convene to Formal Agenda


1. Village President's Report

2. Public Comments on Agenda Items

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Consent Agenda:

a. Bill Listing dated November 7, 2016 in the amount of $866,759.97

b. Bill Listing dated November 14, 2016 in the amount of $131,782.04

c. Minutes from the Village COW Meeting for October 24, 2016

d. Minutes from the Village Formal Board Meeting for October 24, 2016

e. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Estimating the Tax Levy for 2016 in Compliance with the Truth in Taxation Law

This is the time of year where the Village Board is to consider its annual property tax levy. The first formal action is tonight's resolution estimating the tax levy. A hearing notice will be published in late November, and a public hearing will be held on December 5. The first reading of the tax levy and abatement ordinances will be held on December 5, with final adoption planned for December 19. The Village is tax capped, meaning the majority of our tax levy can increase by just 0.7% this year. This year, our resolution includes a total tax levy of $9,396,464 (for the Village and Library) or 2.6% more than last year.

f. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Opposing Any Advancement of Senate Bill 2785

Senate Bill 2785 creates the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act, which severely limits local authority by virtually eliminating the ability of cities, villages, incorporated towns, townships, and counties to regulate the location and installation of small wireless equipment within their jurisdictions, thereby posing a threat to public safety.

g. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing Change Order No. 1 (Final) to the Contract Between the Village of Villa Park and Orange Crush, LLC, for the 2016 North Princeton Avenue improvement Project

The Village has a contract with Orange Crush, LLC, of Hillside, Illinois, for the 2016 North Princeton Avenue improvement Project. Proposed final Change Order #1 consists of the final balancing of contract quantities as measured in the field. The net amount of proposed final


Change Order #1 is a deduction of $66,669.71, for an adjusted final contract amount of $932,228.29.

h. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement Between the Village of Villa Park and Civiltech Engineering Inc. for the 2017 Street improvements

The Village proposes the third year of bond referendum funded road improvements to various streets located throughout the Village. Public Works Staff proposes using CivilTech Engineering for the Phase II Design Engineering Services. A proposed Engineering Services Agreement establishes the scope of services at a cost not to exceed $181,955. Funds will be taken from the Street Improvement Fund (Bond and Non-Bond), Water, and Wastewater Funds.

i. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Amending the Number of Members of the Historical Preservation Commission

At a prior Villa Park Historical Preservation Commission meeting, a motion was passed to reduce the size of the commission from seven members to five members. Other commissions have had similar reductions. This change would allow the VPHPC commission to hold a formal meeting and have a quorum.

5. Public Comments on Non-Agenda items

6. Village Clerk's Report

7. Village Trustee's Report

8. Village Manager's Report

9. Village Attorney's Report

10. Consider Executive SeSSiOn

a. 5ILCS 120/2(c) (5) (purchase or lease of property) b. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(6) (sale or lease of property) c. 5ILCS 120/2(c) (11) (pending litigation) d. 5lLCS 120/2 (c) (21) (discussion of closed session minutes)

11. Adjournment