
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Oak Brook Board of Trustees amends ordinance on building and fire codes

Webp meeting41

Village of Oak Brook Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Oct. 11.

The Oak Brook Village Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The board also meets periodically as a Committee of the Whole on the Monday immediately preceding the fourth Tuesday.



The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Gopal Lalmalani in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler Government Center at 7:00 pm. President Lalmalani stated that he was removing Agenda #1.A. and that there would be no presentation of the colors by the Police Department Honor Guard. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.


Police Chief Kruger stepped up to the podium and introduced Recording Secretary Rose Kane for the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. She then read the Appointment Order. Police Chief Kruger made some introductory remarks about new Police Officer John M. Maton and his family. Village Clerk Pruss swore in Officer Maton.


Village Clerk Charlotte Pruss called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Gopal Lalmalani, Trustees John Baar, Michael Manzo, Mark Moy,

Edward Tiesenga, Asif Yusuf ABSENT: Trustee Donald Adler IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager Rick Ginex, Interim Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Village Attorney Jim Rock, Development Services Director Bob Kallien, Information Technology Director Jim Fox, Police Chief Jim Kruger, Fire Battalion Chief Jeff Marciniak, Public Works Director Doug Patchin, Golf Club Manager Sean Creed, Library Director Sue Madorin, Bath & Tennis Club Manager Chris Thompson


President Lalmalani welcomed Village Attorney Jim Rock, who was attending in Village Attorney Stewart Diamond’s absence.

President Lalmalani remarked about Columbus Day and Yom Kippur.

He then mentioned the discussion at the last meeting regarding GolfVisions Management and clarified that the proposal requested is for an analysis only of the food and beverage operations at the Golf Club and the Pool Side Café.


Resident-Maria Flynn urged a Village ban against pit bull terriers and rottweilers.


A. Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of September 27, 2016 Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Manzo, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 27, 2016. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.


All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.

A. Accounts Payable for Period Ending October 6, 2016 - $305,108.93

Significant Items included in Above: 1) BlueCross BlueShield HMO Premiums – October 2016 - $29,270.59 2) Paramedic Services of Illinois Inc. – October 2016 - $43,009.00

B. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending September 24, 2016 - $699,721.76

C. Ordinances & Resolutions

1) RESOLUTION 2016-PW-FUEL-CNTRCT-R-1595, A Resolution Approving the Award of a Contract to Remove and Replace the Fuel Island Concrete Located at the Village Public Works Facility

2) ORDINANCE 2016-ZO-V-EX-S-1473, An Ordinance Granting Variations from the Provisions of Sections 13-10E-3C.1, 13-10E-2C.1, and 13-12-3C of Title 13 (“Zoning Regulations”) of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook to Allow for the Constructions of Additional Parking Spaces and Landscaping for the Property Located at 2122 York Road in the Village of Oak Brook

3) ORDINANCE 2016-ZO-SU-EX-S-1474, An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to a Special Use for the Clearwater Development in the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois

4) ORDINANCE 2016-TC-RR-G-1090, An Ordinance Amending Schedule IV (“Stop Streets”) and Schedule V (“Yield Streets”) of Section 1, (“Traffic Schedules”) of Chapter 2 (“Traffic Schedules”), of Title 7 (“Motor Vehicles And Traffic”), of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook

5) ORDINANCE 2016-PP-S-1475, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale through

Electronic Auction or Broker, Donation or Disposal of Certain Items of Personal Property Owned By the Village of Oak Brook (Vehicles)

Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to approve the Consent Agenda and authorize expenditures as presented. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 – Trustees Baar, Manzo, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.



A. Ordinances & Resolutions

1) ORDINANCE 2016-DEVSRVCS-BC-G-1089, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance G-1084 in Relation to Construction Activity Motion by Trustee Moy, seconded by Trustee Baar, to approve Ordinance G-1089, "An Ordinance Amending Chapters 1 and 2 of Title 10 of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook Relating to Building and Fire Codes. Trustee Manzo inquired whether the changes discussed at the last meeting had been incorporated and Trustee Yusuf affirmed that they had. Trustee Tiesenga addressed a discrepancy between the text in G-1089 and G-1087 regarding chain saws. Trustee Yusuf and Development Services Director Kallien addressed this issue and discussion ensued. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 – Trustees Baar, Manzo, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.

2) ORDINANCE 2016-PD-OF-G-1087, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook in Relation to the Use of Heavy Equipment Motion by Trustee Yusuf, seconded by Trustee Moy, to approve Ordinance G-1087, amending Section 6-1-2 of the Village Code in relation to the use of heavy equipment,

striking chain saws as a restricted item. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 – Trustees Baar, Manzo, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.

3) ORDINANCE 2016-BU-AMEND-S-1476, An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the 2016 Budget (Fire Rescue Engine) Motion by Trustee Moy, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to approve this budget amendment. Opinions were expressed regarding amending the budget, purchase versus leasing, delaying the purchase until next year, and monies needed for pension contributions. Village Attorney Rock affirmed that this item requires a 2/3 vote of the corporate authorities, and the President has the right to vote, five of six voting members present must vote in favor for passage. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 1 – Trustee Yusuf Nays: 4 – Trustees Baar, Manzo, Moy, Tiesenga Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion failed. 

4) RESOLUTION 2016-FD-V-LS-R-1596, A Resolution Approving the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Authorizing a Lease to Own Agreement Relative to a Fire Rescue Engine Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Moy, to approve Resolution 1596, a resolution concerning the waiver of competitive bidding and authorizing a lease to own agreement relative to a fire engine. Trustee Baar stated that the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) has already conducted the bid process for a 2016 Pierce Enforcer Rescue Engine. Trustee Manzo commented on the bid process. He inquired as to how this item was placed on the agenda when it had failed on a previous agenda, and Village Attorney Rock and Village Manager Ginex provided explanation. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 – Trustees Baar, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 1 – Trustee Manzo Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.


A. Proposed Update of the Commercial Areas Revitalization Plan – Houseal Lavigne Associates Development Services Director Kallien discussed the history of this item and that it should be amended due to the changes which will occur due to McDonald’s Corporation leaving. Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Moy, to direct Staff to finalize a consultant agreement with Houseal Lavigne Associates to update the Village’s Commercial Areas Revitalization Plan for an amount not to exceed $75,000. John Houseal came to the podium and discussed the issues. Comments were made regarding updating the Plan. Discussion ensued. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 – Trustees Baar, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 1 – Trustee Manzo Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.

B. Ordinances & Resolutions

1) RESOLUTION 2016-LY-CNTRCT-R-1594, A Resolution Approving the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Authorizing the Issuance of a Contract to Twin Supplies Inc., Related to High-Efficiency Lighting Motion by Trustee Moy, seconded by Trustee Baar, that the Village Board waive competitive bidding and authorize staff to issue a contract to Twin Supplies, Oak Brook, Illinois, in the amount of $39,470. Trustee Moy discussed this item and the grants and donations involved. Library Director Madorin stated that they have been pleased with the previous lighting projects performed by Twin Supplies Inc., and the importance of replacing older light fixtures with more efficient and easier to replace fixtures. Trustee Yusuf stated that he will be recusing himself from this vote because he is in the process of conducting business with this company. Public Works Director Patchin explained the reason for changing out the actual light fixtures. Village Attorney Rock affirmed that since this involves a waiver of bidding, four votes are needed for passage. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 – Trustees Baar, Moy, Tiesenga, President Lalmalani Nays: 1 – Trustee Manzo Abstain: 1 – Trustee Yusuf Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.

C. Confirmation of Appointments

1) Community Enhancement Committee President Lalmalani discussed the makeup of this Committee. Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to approve the appointment of Mike McMahon to the Community Enhancement Committee. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Trustee Baar discussed the background of Mr. McMahon.


A. Village Manager Village Manager Ginex made no remarks.

B. Village Clerk President Lalmalani thanked Village Clerk Pruss for working Saturday in Saddle Brook registering voters and Village Clerk Pruss discussed same. She talked about voter registration, early voting, applications for absentee ballots, and also the availability of petition packets to run in the April 4th Consolidated Election.

C. Trustees Trustee Tiesenga talked about Columbus Day.

Trustee Manzo talked about the Cubs.

Trustee Baar congratulated Fire Chief Liss on the presentation he gave at the last meeting and also the coordination with the Police personnel. He also recognized the Auxiliary Police Officers for their work.

Trustee Yusuf urged caution against placing leaf piles in the street. He also talked about Grace Period voter registration.

D. Village Attorney Village Attorney Rock had nothing to report.

E. Village President Information Technology Director Fox discussed an upgrade to the website.

Police Chief Kruger stated that Halloween trick-or-treat hours at 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Public Works Director Patchin discussed leaf pickup.

Golf Club Manager Creed thanked President Lalmalani for the clarification about the

GolfVisions’ proposal.

Library Director Madorin thanked the Board for passage of the lighting project and talked about upcoming events.

Interim Finance Director Paprocki stated that they are in the final stages of the 2017 Budget. He agreed to send out information about the latest sales tax figures.

Development Services Director Kallien discussed that the theaters would be open in a week to ten days, with the restaurants opening December 1st

11. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION, For the purpose of discussing (1) minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this act and (2) collective negotiating matters, pursuant to sections 2(c)(21) and 2(c)(2) of the Illinois Open meetings Act, respectively Motion by Trustee Tiesenga, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to adjourn to closed session at 8:29 p.m. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 – Trustees Baar, Manzo, Moy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 1 – Trustee Adler Motion carried.


Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:57 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.


/s/Charlotte K. Pruss Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk