
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Villa Park Village Board enforces stormwater, flood plan

Webp meeting909

The Villa Park Village Board met Oct. 24 to enforce a stormwater and flood plan.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Villa Park has a village board / manager form of government, which consists of a village president and six trustees. The seven member board is responsible for the appointment of a village manager, approval of the annual budget, and adoption of ordinances. The board meets at 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays in the Village Hall.

WILLAGE OF WILLA PARK 20 S. Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, IL 60181

October 24, 2016 FORMAL AGENDA 

1. Village President's Report

2. Public Comments on Agenda items

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Consent Agenda:

a. Bill Listing dated October 24, 2016 in the amount of $263,644.10

b. Minutes from the Village COW Meeting for October 10, 2016

c. Minutes from the Village Formal Board Meeting for October 10, 2016

d. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Authorizing the Sale of Police Radios to the Harvey Police Department

In 2011, the police department purchased new portable radios to be in compliance with the new StarComNetwork. All agencies using DuComm were required to switch to the updated radio band frequency at that time. The radios that had been used prior to 2011 do not work on the Starcom Network and are of no use to the police department.

The City of Harvey, Illinois is not on the StarComNetwork, and is in need of radios and inquired if the Villa Park Police Department would be willing to sell the radios and associated equipment to their police department. Deputy Chief Jason Banks of the Harvey Police Department has agreed to a price of $3,500 for the equipment. (See attachment for inventory list.) At this time, the police department is asking the Village Board to approve the sale of 63 radios and associated equipment to the City of Harvey, Illinois.

e. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois Appointing Members to the Village of Villa Park Stormwater Oversight Committee

The Village of Villa Park has adopted and enforces the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance. The Ordinance provides for a variance process whereby a petitioner may seek relief from certain ordinance provisions due to hardship. All such variance requests need to be reviewed by the Village's Stormwater Oversite Committee prior to submittal to the Village Board for final action. There are no active committee members at this point. Therefore, three new Oversight Committee members need to be appointed. It is recommended that Economic Development Director Jan Fiola; Community Development Director Patrick Grill; and Rich Salerno, Deputy Director of Public Works serve on this Committee.

f. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the 2017 Sugar Creek Golf Course Annual Budget

The Sugar Creek Golf Course Administrative Board has approved the proposed Sugar Creek Golf Course Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017. Proposed expenditures equal $1,079,891.00 and the proposed revenues equal $1,082,872.00 which results in a projected net profit of $2981.00. According to the intergovernmental agreement between Villa Park and the Elmhurst Park District, the proposed budget must be presented to the Village President and Board of Trustees for final approval

g. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Establishing the Regular Meeting Dates of the Villa Park Board of Trustees for Calendar Year 2017

The Villa Park Municipal Code contains various references to holidays and meetings. On an annual basis the Villa Park Board of Trustees establishes and approves an annual meeting calendar of the Village of Villa Park Board of Trustees. Staff recommends that the President and Board of Trustees pass a resolution to establish the meeting dates for the Villa Park Board of Trustees for the 2017 calendar year.

h. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving a Holiday Schedule for 2017

The Villa Park Municipal Code contains various references to holidays. On an annual basis the Villa Park Board of Trustees establishes and approves an annual holiday schedule determining when Village buildings will be closed. Staff recommends that the President and Board of Trustees pass a resolution to establish the 2017 holiday schedule.

i. Resolution to Enter into An Engineering Services Agreement With Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. in the amount not to exceed $43,200.00 for the Biermann Avenue Combined Sewer Separation Project

The Village proposes sewer separation by the installation of a storm sewer main on Biermann Avenue between Holly Court and Division Street. The Village expects to obtain up to $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant- Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding for construction. Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD. of Rosemont, Illinois has submitted a proposed engineering services agreement to provide Design Engineering Services for these improvements at a cost of $43,200. Costs will be taken from account 83.502.04.292 in the Waste Water Fund (Combined Sewer Separation).

5. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving a Conditional Use for a Car Wash at 780 North Addison Road

This is the existing location of Sparkle Car Wash at the southwest corner of North Avenue and Addison Road. On October 6, 2016 following a public hearing and discussion, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the car wash with conditions including, among others, signage, business hours, architecture of the building, and landscaping.

6. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving an increase in the Number of Class EEE Liquor Licenses from 5 to 6

The Village received a request from a representative of Jimmy's Street Tacos for a Class "EEE" Liquor License. If approved, the number of Class "EEE" liquor licenses within the Village will increase by one, from 5 to 6. Jimmy's Street Tacos is located at 117 W. St. Charles Road.

7. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Amending the Fees for Parking in the Village's Commuter Parking Lot

The Village has invested significantly in the Metra Parking lot as of late, and staff would like to continue investment to improve customer service and enhance the user experience. These changes include offering the Passport Parking payment option in the north lot (which is a Smartphone app now available in the South lot only) and installing a new payment machine, with all payments being the same $2.00 per day in total. The new payment machine Would interface with Passport Parking so Police can more effectively patrol the lots, and would allow for much improved financial internal controls. The attached ordinance codifies these changes, as well as an increase in the quarterly permit rate from $82.50 to $100, which is a much smaller percentage increase than the daily pay rates. Public Works would need to renumber the north lot to accommodate these changes, and can increase the number of quarterly permit spaces to meet the anticipated demand. Upon approval, we would embark on an education campaign and would help parking patrons learn their new payment options and would help transition users to the new payment equipment once installed.

8. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving a Vacation of a Portion of Harrison Street Right-of-Way

Property owners to the north and south have reached agreement on how the right-of-way would be divided. This subdivision involves two existing parcels on either side of the westward extension of Harrison Street from Oakland Avenue. The north lot (1120 S. Oakland Avenue) measures fifty-six point 67 (56.67) in width by one-hundred and fifty feet (150") in depth; and the south lot (1200 S. Oakland Avenue) measures 120 point 27 feet (120.27) in width by onebhundred fifty feet (150") in depth. These lots were originally approved at different times in different subdivisions. This resubdivision will absorb the vacated Harrison Street right-of-way.

9. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving an Administrative Subdivision for the Doan/Faith Church Subdivision

As part of the vacation request process an appraisal was conducted to determine the value of the right-of-way. This appraisal identified the value at $18,000.00. Both parties have

provided $9,000.00 for their half of the right-of-way. Both lots meet the bulk requirements of the zoning districts in which they are located.

10. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

11. Village Clerk's Report

12. Village Trustee's Report

13. Village Manager's Report

14. Village Attorney's Report

15. Consider Executive Session

a. 5LCS 120/2(c) (5) (purchase or lease of property) 

b. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(6) (sale or lease of property) 

c. 5ILCS 120/2(c) (11) (pending litigation) 

d. 5lLCS 120/2 (c) (21) (discussion of closed session minutes)

16. Adjournment