
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Guest Commentary: It’s time to choose


Doug Truax, founder and executive director of Restoration PAC and Restoration Action | DougTruax.com

Doug Truax, founder and executive director of Restoration PAC and Restoration Action | DougTruax.com

Lots of political positioning going on these days. Politicians disassociating with their presidential nominee in order to win their own race or to take some “high ground,” genuinely or not.

I have no problem with positioning as long as the end goal is country, not politics. What is best for America the next four years?

I acknowledge the angst most of us have with the choice we have next month. Many of us in both parties preferred other candidates than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. We can recognize the consternation and move on. We have a country to think about.

I have offered my explanation for supporting Donald Trump in a video posted on Restoration PAC's YouTube page. The stakes are high and it is important to recognize the damage Hillary Clinton would do to America. Our country has been on a steep decline under Barack Obama and transitioning to a like-minded successor could do irreparable harm to our Republic.

Patriot Foster Friess, a man of faith, has his own way of expressing support for Trump in a widely circulated letter. He summed it up thusly:

"Our challenge is to get those 'on the fence' to ask themselves whose policies will be most beneficial to their personal interests. We can put aside what she did and what he said if we make that careful assessment starting with Supreme Court appointments," wrote Friess.

"If Donald Trump can defeat ISIS and re-ignite our economy, create a better healthcare system that allows us choice and quality, restores sanity to our immigration policies, treat oil and gas as a national treasure rather than a destroyer of our environment, maintain U.S. control of the internet and restore religious liberty, do we really care about his past statements for which he has expressed regret?" the letter continued.

We can pontificate later about the process that led to our 2016 choices. A more important task awaits us all. It’s time to choose. Our country is in the balance.

Doug Truax is Founder and Executive Director of Restoration PAC and Restoration Action. He is a West Point graduate, Army veteran, health care entrepreneur and former Senate candidate in Illinois.