
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Downtown Plan Advisory Committee to host first meeting


The Village of Lisle is working to develop a new Downtown Master Plan that will replace the one created in 1999.

The Village Board has approved employees to partner with planning consultant Houseal Lavigne to create the new plan.

A Downtown Plan Advisory Committee was originated during the planning process to host planning workshops and be the voice that steers the planning progression and offers feedback on the many reports and plans that will be presented. The first Advisory Committee meeting will be held at Village Hall Sept. 20 at 6:30 p.m.

The community will be able to see the Downtown Plan through a website that is currently being developed and will be made available at a later date. Throughout the planning process, community outreach efforts, including a resident workshop, will be scheduled to keep community members informed on the progression of the plan.