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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Westmont Planning & Zoning Commission considers special use permit for auto dealership

Webp meet

Westmont Planning & Zoning Commission met Wednesday, July 13.

Here is the agenda as provided by Westmont:




The Village of Westmont Planning and Zoning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:00 P.M., at the Westmont Village Hall, 31 West Quincy Street, Westmont, IL 60559.

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Swearing in of testifying attendees and reminder to sign in

5. Reminder to silence all electronic devices

6. Approval of Minutes of the June 08 , 2016 meeting

7. Open Hearing

Old Business

Westmont B Imports Inc. regarding the property located at 420 and 430 East Ogden Avenue, a portion of Westmont Drive, 645, 650 and 651 Westmont Drive, and 415 Plaza Drive, Westmont, IL 60559 for the following:

(A) Special Use Permit request to operate an automotive dealership in the B-2 General Business District.

(B) Zoning Code Variance request to allow parking within the front yard setback.

(C) Zoning Code Variance Request to increase the allowed height in the B-2 General Business District for the purpose of construction of a rooftop parking deck for an automobile dealership.

(D) Preliminary Plat of Vacation for Westmont Drive.

(E) Preliminary Plat of Consolidation

(F) Site and Landscaping Plan approval.

New Business

PZ 16014

Jean Skuble regarding the property located at 340 South Lincoln Street , Westmont, IL 60559 for

the following:

(A) Zoning Code Variance Request to permit the construction of a 5’ solid fence in the side yard adjoining the street in the R?3 Single Family Residential District.

McLean Family Trust regarding the property located at 138 North Cass Avenue, Westmont, IL 60559 for the following:

(A) Special Use Permit request to operate a business office on the ground floor in the B-1 Limited Business District.

Dominic Tommasone regarding the property located at 38 and 42 West Naperville Road, Westmont, IL 60559 for the following:

(A) Special Use Permit request for an exiting automotive garage located at 38 West Naperville Road in the B-2

General Business District with existing non?conforming exterior storage of vehicles awaiting service or customer pick-up.

(B) Special Use Permit request for expansion of an automotive garage to be located at 42 West Naperville Road in the B?2 General Business District.

Ultimo Motorsports regarding the property located at 180 West Ogden Avenue, Westmont, IL 60559 for the following:

(A) Special Use Permit request to expand an existing used automotive dealership in the B-2 General Business District.

(B) Zoning Code Variance request to allow parking within the front yard setback.

(C) Zoning Code Variance request to permit the sale of used automobiles within 500 feet of a residence district.

(D) Site and Landscaping Plan approval.

LWV Odessa Ponds, LLC, regarding the properties located at 670424 Echo Lane, 670324

Tudor Lane, 670324

Alpine Lane, 670324

Park Lane, 670324

Lakeshore Drive, 670324

Cedar Lane, 670324

Vail Drive, 670324

Aspen Lane, 670323

Maple Lane, Westmont, IL 60559 for the following:

(A) Map Amendment request to rezone from R-4 General Residence District to a Planned Development Overlay District in the underlying R-4 General Residence District with the following exceptions from the Zoning Code:

1. Exception to reduce the required amount of useable open space, which is currently non-conforming.

(B) Zoning Code Variance request to exceed the maximum number of allowable accessory structures to construct clubhouse facilities.

(C) Zoning Code Variance request to exceed the maximum size of an accessory clubhouse structure.

(D) Zoning Code Variance request to exceed the maximum height of an accessory clubhouse structure.

(E) Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to consolidate the properties into two lots.

(F) Site and landscaping plan approval for the construc??on of clubhouse facilities.

8. Adjourn

Note: Any person who has a disability requiring a reasonable accommoda??on to participate in the meeting should contact the Village of Westmont, Illinois, 60559 between 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, or telephone (630) 981?6210 voice, or (630) 981?6300 TDD, within a reasonable ??me before the mee??ng. All interested persons in a??endance will be allowed to express their views.


Ed Richard Chairperson