
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Elmhurst Zoning and Planning Commission cancels Aug. 11 meeting

Elmhurst Zoning and Planning Commission has cancelled its Aug. 11 meeting.

Next scheduled meeting is Aug. 25.

Here is the agenda as provided by Elmhurst:

Roll call/ Call to order

Approval of minutes of Zoning and planning commission / Zoning board of appeals meeting held on July 28, 2016

Public comment

Case Number 16 P 09/ Elmhurst 255 Preliminary and final plat of subdivision

Request for a 5 lot subdivision described as follows: Residential: 255 N. Addison, South

Retail: 242-254 N. York, North Retail: 260-272 N. York, Public Parking garage: 256 N. York, Public plaza: 258 N. York

Public meeting - Sign posted July 27, 2016

Proposed zoning ordinance text amendments and map amendments for downtown - discussion

Other business
