
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Itasca Board hears presentation on the Northern Illinois Raptor Center’s new agreement with the Itasca Nature Center

Webp hall

Itasca Board of Trustees met Tuesday, June 21.

Here are the minutes as provided by Itasca:


June 21, 2016 – 7:00PM

Call to Order: Mayor Jeff Pruyn called the Village Board Meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees – Marty Hower, Jeff Aiani, Ellen Leahy, Lucy Santorsola, Mike Latoria, Frank Madaras; Village Clerk – Melody Craven.

Also present: Village Administrator – Evan Teich; Village Attorney – Chuck Hervas; Chief of Police – Robert O’Connor; Public Works Director – Ross Hitchcock; Community Development Director – Nancy Hill; Finance Director – Julie Ciesla; Village Engineering Consultant – Aaron Fundich.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Pruyn led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Audience Participation: David Schultz, 405 E Center Street, wanted to address the Board as a resident and an architect regarding a project that’s in submission. He suggested implementing administrative variances for small-scale building projects.

President’s Comments: Mayor Pruyn asked if there were any objections to moving the Environmental Committee up in the agenda. There were none.

Environmental Committee:

Trustee Leahy, Chairperson

(Northern Illinois Raptor CenterAgreement with Itasca Nature Center)

Trustee Leahy introduced Maryfran Leno, Executive Director of the Itasca Park District, who gave a presentation regarding the Northern Illinois Raptor Center’s new agreement with the Itasca Nature Center. Maryfran Leno explained that the agreement states the Northern Illinois Raptor Center would supply various raptors, or birds, to the Itasca Nature Center’s mews, or habitat. The Raptor Center would manage, feed, and clean up after the birds. The Park District would allow the Raptor Center to do programming in the Nature Center. She assured the Village Board that this would not cost the Village any additional costs and that the Itasca Park District would take full responsibility of the project.

Community Development Committee:

Trustee Latoria, Chairperson

(New Business License Application, Dr. John A. Guerrieri DDS)

Trustee Latoria presented discussion and possible action concerning a New Business License Application for Dr. John A. Guerrieri DDS, a dental practice, to be located at 421 W. Irving Park Road. Hearing no objections, Trustee Latoria made a motion to approve the New Business License Application.

Trustee Aiani seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Hower, Leahy, Aiani, Latoria, Madaras, and

Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None.Motion carried.

President’s Comments:

(Resolution #877-16)

Mayor Pruyn presented “Draft” Resolution #877-16, “A Resolution Concerning Health Insurance Benefits for Elected Officials.” Hearing no objections, Trustee Hower made a motion to approve “Draft” Resolution #877-16; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Hower,

Leahy, Aiani, Latoria, Madaras, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Administration Committee:

Trustee Santorsola, Chairperson

Trustee Santorsola had no report.

Finance Committee:

Trustee Hower, Chairperson

(Resolution #875-16)

(Resolution #876-16)

(Clerks Reports for April and May 2016)

Trustee Hower presented discussion and possible action concerning Resolution #875-16, “A Resolution the Joint Prevailing Wage Resolution as Prepared by Itasca School District No. 10.” Hearing no objections, Trustee Hower made a motion to approve the resolution; Trustee Madras seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Hower, Leahy,Aiani, Latoria, Madaras, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Trustee Hower presented discussion and possible action concerning Resolution #876-16, "A Resolution Appointing an Authorizing Agent with Respect to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.” Hearing no further objections, Trustee Hower made a motion to approve the ordinance; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Hower, Leahy, Aiani, Latoria, Madaras; Nays – Santorsola; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Trustee Hower reported the clerk’s reports for April and May 2016.

Public Safety Committee:

Trustee Madaras, Chairperson

Trustee Madaras had no report.

Public Works/Infrastructure Committee:

Trustee Aiani, Chairperson

(Resolution #871-16)

(Resolution #872-16)

Trustee Aiani presented discussion and possible action concerning Resolution #871-16, "A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance and Execution of an Agreement Supplement No. 1 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Pre-Design Engineering.”

Trustee Aiani noted Stanley Consultants have kept their rates consistent from the previous year. Hearing no objections, Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve the resolution; Trustee Madaras seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Latoria, Madaras, Hower, Leahy, Aiani, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Trustee Aiani presented discussion and possible action concerning Resolution #872-16, "A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance and Execution of an Agreement Supplement No. 2 for Final Design Engineering Services.” Hearing no objections, Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve the resolution. Trustee Hower seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Latoria, Madaras, Hower, Leahy, Aiani, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda: Trustee Leahy made a motion to approve items “a” on the consent agenda; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Latoria, Madaras, Hower, Leahy, Aiani, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

a) Approval of Ordinance #1804-16, "An Ordinance Granting Variances for 300 S. Walnut (Bhagat)" Voucher: Trustee Hower made a motion to approve the voucher dated June 21, 2016 in the amount of $579,117.15; Trustee Leahy seconded. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Latoria, Madaras, Hower, Leahy, Aiani, and Santorsola; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Department Heads: Mayor Pruyn stated he would hear Department Head reports at the Committee of the Whole Meeting following the Village Board Meeting.

Adjournment: Trustee Leahy made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 7:48 PM; Trustee Hower seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Minutes by: Melody J. Craven, Village Clerk