
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

'No More Madigan' candidate-pledge movement gains steam


NoMoreMadigan movement spreading

NoMoreMadigan movement spreading

Mike Strick, Republican candidate for House District 84, recently called on his fellow candidates and current members of the General Assembly to remove Mike Madigan (D-Dist. 22) as House Speaker.

"I started the revolution to end Michael Madigan's reign by January 2017," Strick said. "I am challenging ALL candidates for State Representative to sign a pledge stating that they will NOT vote for him for Speaker of the House in the upcoming term. I mailed that pledge to every House candidate in Illinois. Some have already signed! Unfortunately, my opponent was not one of them. Go to NoMoreMadigan.com for more details. Together we can take the state away from the insiders and give it back to the people."

Madigan has been Speaker for 31 of his 45 years in the Illinois House. His opponents lay the blame for the state's current budget woes on Madigan, including the state entering its second year without a budget in place. The unbalanced budget presented to the House in May was $7 billion in the red. It was voted down by the Senate.

Strick's mailing and NoMoreMadigan website has already generated responses from candidates and sitting lawmakers. Joining Strick in the pledge to remove Madigan from the Speaker's seat are candidates Heidi Holan and Andy Kirchoff, and Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Dist. 42).