
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Itasca Board of Trustees approves new business licenses

Webp meeting 10

Itasca Board of Trustees met Tuesday, April 19.

Here are the minutes as provided by Itasca:

April 19, 2016 Village Board Meeting Minutes 


April 19, 2016 – 7:00PM

Call to Order: Mayor Jeff Pruyn called the Village Board Meeting to order at 7:04PM.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees – Marty Hower, Jeff Aiani, Mike Latoria,

Frank Madaras, Ellen Leahy, Lucy Santorsola; Deputy Village Clerk – Jacob Lawrence.

Also present: Village Administrator – Evan Teich; Village Attorney – Chuck Hervas; Community Development Director – Nancy Hill; Director of Public Works – Ross Hitchcock; Finance Director – Julie Ciesla; HR/Risk Management Coordinator – Cristina White; Village Engineering Consultant – Aaron Fundich.

Absent: Village Clerk – Melody Craven.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Pruyn led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Audience Participation: None.


(April 5, 2016)

Mayor Pruyn asked if there were any questions or corrections regarding to the Village Board Meeting minutes of April 5, 2016 as presented. Hearing none, Trustee Hower made a motion to approve the minutes; Trustee Santorsola seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

President’s Comments:

(Arbor Day)

(Shape of Itasca)

(Call for Special Meeting)

Mayor Pruyn reported that the annual tree dedication will be on April 30th at 1PM on Arbor Day. Ceremonies will be held in the Village Board Room, beginning at 1:00 pm and will include the dedication of memorial and commemorative trees. Following the ceremonies, attendees will be able to view the trees in the arboretum, located to the south and west of the Village Hall.

Mayor Pruyn reported on the 25th annual Shape of Itasca town hall meeting. The 25th annual Shape of Itasca Town Hall meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 9 at 7 PM at the Holiday Inn. The Shape of Itasca is sponsored by Itasca Bank and Trust. Refreshments will be served.

The Shape of Itasca Town Hall meeting is an informal public meeting which gives the members of a community an opportunity to get together to discuss emerging issues and to voice concerns and preferences for our community. Attended by citizens, staff members and elected officials from each local taxing body, the Shape of Itasca provides everyone an opportunity to talk personally in a relaxed environment about  the things which matter to them.

Mayor Pruyn reported that he and Evan Teich, Village Administrator, will be joining the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference in Springfield on May 3rd in order to pass important legislation. Therefore, he called for a special meeting for May 10th to replace the scheduled meeting on May 3rd;

Trustee Aiani seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Pruyn reminded the Board that economic interest statements are due by May 2nd. Elected officials can file their statement online at https://ei.dupageco.org/SEI/Login.aspx.

Community Development Committee:

Trustee Latoria, Chairperson

(Refund Order of Cash Performance/Road Bond)

(New Business License Application – Zippy Shell Storage Operations, LLC)

(New Business License Application – Family Entertainment Group, LLC)

(New Business License Application – Baron Manufacturing Company, LLC)

Mayor Pruyn presented discussion and possible action concerning Refund Order of Cash Performance/Road Bond for Permit #12865 to Robert Jurewicz for a residential room addition at 315 Bonnie Brae as recommended by the Community Development Department. Trustee Aiani made a

motion to approve this Refund Order of Cash Performance/Road Bond for Permit #12865; Trustee Madras seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Pruyn presented discussion and possible action concerning a New Business License Application for Zippy Shell Storage Operations, LLC, a portable storage and moving company, to be located at 751 North Rohlwing Road. Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve this New Business License Application for Zippy Shell Storage Operations, LLC; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Pruyn presented discussion and possible action concerning a New Business License Application for Family Entertainment Group, LLC, to be located at 1625 Hamilton Parkway. Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve this New Business License Application for Family Entertainment Group, LLC; Trustee Hower seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Pruyn presented discussion and possible action concerning a New Business Application Request for Baron Manufacturing Company, LLC, a wholesale hardware fastener distributor to be located at 730 Baker Street. Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve this New Business Application for Baron Manufacturing Company, LLC; Trustee Madras seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Pruyn reported that DuPage Mayors and Managers Conferenced emailed him about joining an electronics recycling program that would cost each municipality $4500.

Administration Committee:

Trustee Santorsola, Chairperson

Trustee Santorsola had no report.

 Environmental Committee:

Trustee Leahy, Chairperson

(Green Day recycling event – May 7, 2016)

Trustee Leahy reported that the 8th Annual Green Day recycling event will still occur on May 7th. May 7th, from 8:00 AM until noon, Itasca residents can once again get rid of a wide range of unwanted materials in an environmentally good way. The event will take place in the Itasca Metra Commuter parking lot across the street from the Itasca Bank and Trust Company. We ask that you have your recyclables organized to make unloading quick and easy. Due to major changes in the recycling market we are limiting the recycling of old style "CRT" televisions and monitors to one each per car.

Finance Committee:

Trustee Hower, Chairperson

(Ordinance #1798-16)

Trustee Hower presented discussion and possible action concerning Ordinance #1798-16, “An Ordinance to Dispose of Surplus Village Property.” Hearing no objections, Trustee Hower made a motion to approve Ordinance #1798-16; Trustee Aiani seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Santorsola, Latoria, Madaras, Aiani, Leahy, Hower; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Public Safety Committee:

Trustee Madaras, Chairperson

Trustee Madaras had no report.

Public Works/Infrastructure


Trustee Aiani, Chairperson

(Payment Estimate #2, Happy Acres)

(Accepting a Quote for Storm Sewer Structure Repairs)

Trustee Aiani presented discussion and possible action concerning Payment Estimate #2 due to Martam Construction Inc. in the amount of $125,121.60 for Happy Acres. Hearing no objections, Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve this Payment Estimate #2; Trustee Santorsola seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 

Trustee Aiani presented discussion and possible action concerning a recommendation to accept a quote from Neslund & Associates for Storm Sewer Structure Repairs in the Commercial Manufacturing District (CMD) SSA. Trustee Aiani reported that he foresees chronic financial issues with the CMD SSA, especially with getting the funds to achieve the necessary infrastructure to that place. Hearing no objections, Trustee Aiani made a motion to accept a quote from Neslund & Associates for storm sewer structure repairs in the CMD SSA; Trustee Madaras seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Consent Agenda: Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve items “a” through “f” on the Consent Agenda as follows; Trustee Latoria seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Santorsola, Latoria,

Madaras, Aiani, Leahy, Hower; Nays – None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

a. Approval of Ordinance #1799-16, "An Ordinance Increasing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses from Five to Six (Bucky's 1400 N. Arlington Heights Road)

b. Approval of Resolution #854-16, "A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Proposal of Insurance from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co."

c. Approval of Resolution #855-16, "A Resolution Adopting a New Village of Itasca Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual."

d. Approval of Resolution #856-16, "A Resolution Waiving the Bidding Requirements and Extending a Contract for Lawn Mowing Services from Classic Landscaping Limited. 

e. Approval of Resolution #857-16, "A Resolution Waiving the Formal Bidding Requirements and Extending a Contract for Street Sweeping Services form Hoving Clean Sweep, LLC."

f. Approval of Resolution #858-16, "A Resolution Waiving the Formal Bidding Requirements and Extending a Contract for Tree Trimming Services from Ciosek Tree Services. 

Voucher: Trustee Hower presented the voucher dated April 19, 2016. He reported that 40% of the voucher consists of the Village’s water bill to the DuPage Water Commission and also engineering and lawyer expenses. Trustee Hower made a motion to approve the voucher dated April 19, 2016 in the amount of $389,506.27. Trustee Aiani seconded. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Trustees Santorsola, Latoria, Madaras, Aiani, Leahy, Hower; Nays None; Absent – None; Abstain – None. Motion carried.

Department Heads: Mayor Pruyn stated he would hear Department Head reports at the Committee of the Whole Meeting following the Village Board Meeting.

Adjournment: Trustee Hower made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 7:19PM; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Minutes by: Jacob A. Lawrence, Deputy Village Clerk