
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Itasca Committee of the Whole reviews Itasca Tap House project

Itasca Committee of the Whole met Tuesday, April 19.

Here are the minutes as provided by Itasca:

April 19, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes 


April 19, 2016 – Immediately Following Village Board Meeting

Call to Order: Mayor Jeff Pruyn called the meeting to order at 7:19PM.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees – Marty Hower, Jeff Aiani, Mike Latoria,

Frank Madaras, Ellen Leahy, Lucy Santorsola; Deputy Village

Clerk – Jacob Lawrence.

Also present: Village Administrator – Evan Teich; Village

Attorney – Chuck Hervas; Community Development Director –

Nancy Hill; Director of Public Works – Ross Hitchcock; Finance

Director – Julie Ciesla; HR/Risk Management Coordinator –

Cristina White; Village Engineering Consultant – Aaron


Absent: Village Clerk – Melody Craven.

Pledge of Allegiance: Recited at the preceding Village Board meeting.

Audience Participation: None.


(April 5, 2016)

Mayor Pruyn asked if there were any questions regarding or corrections to the Committee of the Whole Meeting minutes of April 5, 2016 as presented. Hearing none, Trustee Aiani made a motion to approve said minutes; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

President’s Comments: Mayor Pruyn had no report.

Community Development


Trustee Latoria, Chairperson

(100 N. Walnut Street – Building Code Variation for Elevator)

Trustee Latoria presented discussion and possible action concerning a variation from the Building Code relating to the elevator at 100 N. Walnut Street (Old Village Hall). Nancy Hill, Community Development Department, reported that the Illinois Elevator Safety Act was amended in 2015 to strengthen the

requirements for pit ladders, and the Village’s property at 100 N. Walnut Street is not in compliance with the required upgrade. The purpose of this memo is to suggest the Village Board grant relief (variation) from the Elevator Safety Act requirements for this property. Upon approval of said variation, staff will forward the request for relief to the State Administrator for their review, in compliance with state statutes. Mayor Bruyn asked if there were any other instances in the Village with similar issues. Ms. Hill stated that all over the Village where ladders need to be installed in elevator shafts. We have not had any instances where there have not been exceptions until now. Trustee Leahy stated that the ladder must be for safety and maintenance purposes. If we make any changes to that building, will that have to be changed? Ms. Hill responded that the type of change that would have to be made would be enlarging the elevator shaft and she did not see that happening. Hearing no further objections, Trustee Latoria made a motion to approve the request for relief concerning a variation from the Building Code relating to the elevator at 100 N. Walnut Street (Old Village Hall); Trustee Hower seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Trustee Latoria presented discussion and possible action concerning a Request for Approval from 100 S. Walnut Street (Itasca Tap House).

Trustee Madaras recused himself from the discussion.

Ms. Hill reported that Itasca Tap House is seeking Board consideration of the proposed conditional use, variations, and site plan that have been reviewed by the Plan Commission and Historic Commission. The summary of the Plan Commission recommendations were: 1) To grant the Conditional Use for a tavern; 2) To grant Class 1 Site Plan Approval with review and recommendation by Historic Commission and the applicant comes to an agreement with Village about landscaping and other improvements on Village property; 3) To grant multiple Variations with various levels of approval. Some of the signage variations ended in a tie vote, and these variations will require 2/3 majority vote of Village Board. After Plan Commission and Historical Commission review, the applicant asked for more time to get to the Village Board because of flood plain issues. Since the Plan Commission and Historical Commission reviews there have been multiple extensions for time, and the Village has provided public notices for adjourning property owners to inform them in the spirit of the law.

The applicant, Mike Valente, approached the Board and said he agreed with Ms. Hill. Mr. Valente presented John Carlson to elaborate more on the DuPage County relating to the FEMA flood plain maps. Mr. Valente wants to move forward with the project overall regardless of any restraints they have with the County.

John Carlson reported that they are asking for approval of the same design and development package. Many elements cannot be approved or built because of the flood plain maps. The timeframe from DuPage County estimate will be effective late 2017 or early 2018. Elements that can’t be done now will be on hold until the maps catch up. The plan is to open the business and operate it under the constraints. Discussion ensued over the outside features and the permitting of any outdoor use. Village Engineering Consultant Aaron Fundich clarified this applied not just to structures but to impervious structures. Ms. Hill stated that if there were to be an impervious surface on the exterior it requires DuPage County approval because the Village is a partial-waiver municipality. Village Administrator Evan Teich asked Mr. Carlson to be more specific about the activities on the front yard. Mr. Carlson stated that the long term plan would be a service area and a street-side presence with minimal front-yard impact regarding people drinking outside. Discussion ensued about the DuPage Stormwater Commission restrictions on temporary and permanent structures. Ms. Hill asked the Board if they were comfortable with the recommendations from the Plan and Historical Commissions. Trustee Aiani asked if they needed approval from us in order to proceed with the County. Ms. Hill responded that the typical process goes through a conditional use approval, and in order to the get the necessary building permits for exterior work have to go through the County to get the building permits. Building permits cannot be issued until the petitioner has resolved the ramp issue with the County. The Village is still required to enforce the ordinance and as part of the construction there’s no value limits being exceeded. Discussion ensued over the various phases required for Itasca Tap House. Ms. Hill explained that the first phase would be interior work and the second phase is upon approval of the flood plain maps would be exterior work.

Mr. Jerry Danzer, 200 S. Walnut, approached the Board and expressed his concern with the Itasca Tap House project. Mr. Danzer stated there were two issues with this project as the property owner of the adjacent building. The ownership of the building next door poses an issue because there is a sewer easement that runs across the property. Mr. Danzer wanted to be sure the property owners had access to that sewer corridor going across the building. The other concern Mr. Danzer has were the apartments on the second floor of the adjacent building. The problem without having a detailed sketch is that there’s no rendering of the windows on the side of the building.

Mr. Danzer claimed that with no setbacks those windows would be obfuscated. Mr. Danzer expressed his enthusiasm over the Itasca Tap House project and stated that this particular use has potential but wants to be sure it contributes to the character of the Village.

Mrs. Maggie Danzer, 200 S. Walnut, expressed concern about the kiosk and stated that the building to the south Mr. Valente wants to have is a business for the Danzers. If they lose tenants due to this project, then it is very concerning.

Mayor Pruyn asked Mr. Carlson if there were any accommodation for the sewer easement. Mr. Carlson responded that on the existing plats there is no easement; they’re not denying the sewer lines exist, but it probably travels from south to north below the deck structure. Presently we do not know where the sewer is and it might be something to be adjusted in the future. Mr. Danzer stated that he has a legal agreement. Trustee Leahy asked Mr. Carlson about the windows on the north side of the building. Mr. Carlson stated that the roof line of the kiosk is due east of the windows. During the Plan Commission the roof line was reduced because of these concerns. Mr. Valente stated that he did not want to open a up place that will be open to the wee hours of the night, but rather a social gathering place. Discussion ensued whether or not the special use permits and variances would transition to hypothetical future owners. Ms. Hill stated these are tied to the


Mayor Pruyn stated the Board would put this on the agenda for May 17th and not May 10th.

Trustee Aiani stated he is for the project 100%. He would not like to do it in parts, but rather approve it all the same time. He stated his concerns over the sewer issue and the County issue.

Mayor Pruyn stated his concern over the noise.

Ms. Hill stated she thinks we can create a list of reasonable conditions. She says that the she’s hearing from the Board that they want the applicant to address the sewer issue. Keeping Village staff in the loop about that would be helpful. Between the Community Development Department and Chuck’s office we can create an ordinance with reasonable conditions. She stated that staff would need to prepare the ordinance to allow the interior work to continue if the flood plain maps approve or rejected.

Administration Committee:

Trustee Santorsola, Chairperson

Trustee Santorsola had no report.

Environmental Committee:

Trustee Leahy, Chairperson

Trustee Leahy had no report.

Finance Committee:

Trustee Hower, Chairperson

(Itasca Bank for Remote Deposit


Trustee Hower presented discussion concerning agreement from Itasca Bank for remote deposit technology. 


Director Julie Ciesla reported that one option the Village has to address the auditors comment to produce the records they are requesting is to introduce the ability to do a remote deposit. The remote deposit service provides the ability to deposit a check into a bank account from a remote location, such as an office or home, without having to physically deliver the check to the bank. This option was requested from our bank by the Village primarily to satisfy the auditor’s comments due to the fact that we are not currently equipped to satisfy this comment without considering options that are not cost beneficial to the Village at this point in time. Not only will this service option satisfy the auditors comments, but it will increase the productivity of check processing, decrease trips to the bank from daily deposits to weekly deposits (or as needed) allowing time to be spent on other competing tasks, and reduce the deposit float in which the checks will be deposited into our bank account the same day they are processed. Due to our current relationship with Itasca Bank & Trust, they are offering this service to the Village at no additional cost.

Village Attorney Chuck Hervas stated that he wanted to point out that the contract has a limitation on their damages. The limitation is they will not be liable for more than the contract fees. In this case, that is $0.

Trustee Hower made a motion to approve this agreement from Itasca Bank for remote deposit technology; Trustee Leahy seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Trustee Hower reported that the Village Board will wrap up their series of Finance Committee meetings concerning the budget on Tuesday, April 26. At this time, the Finance Committee will review budget summaries to determine where we are in order to approve them.

Public Safety Committee:

Trustee Madaras, Chairperson

Trustee Madaras had no report.

Public Works/Infrastructure


Trustee Aiani, Chairperson

(Presentation of Elgin O’Hare

Construction Engineering)

Trustee Aiani presented Al Stefan from Robinson Engineering to discuss Elgin O’Hare construction engineering. Al Stefan reported on the ten contracts what the Village can expect in the new construction season. The presentation is an overview and status updates of projects within the Village limits. There are ten different projects five of which are 90% or more complete and six of which are 80% or more complete. The entire project is heading towards the end and major things are coming. For example, retaining walls are coming up. Robinson Engineering is keeping track of expenses and as of today we’re at about $16.1 million dollars of what the Village has spent and the total construction of what they’ve spent is $370 million. Typical field reporting from Robinson Engineering continues on a daily and weekly basis. The firm takes pictures and sketches to reflect as-built observations. Mr. Stefan went through all ten projects and provided summary updates.

Department Heads: Chief O’Connor, Chief of Itasca Police Department, was absent.

Ms. Nancy Hill, Community Development Director, reported that the Village submits a permit application for MS4 permit every year for stormwater and water quality issues in the Village. We receive an inspection regularly from the IEPA and that inspection is scheduled for next week. This inspection will involve reviewing our procedures, looking around town, and erosion control on construction sites. There is a lot of time preparing for this effort from Public Works, Robinson

Engineering, and Dan Corcoran. Public Works Director Ross Hitchcock stated that Fred Maier has taken the lead on this effort as Environmental Coordinator and it has been relatively smooth. Village Engineering Consultant Aaron Fundich stated that this has been an annual program, but it has been a little different this year since the IEPA has changed numerous changes to the permit and has caused Itasca and other communities a little more detail.

Ms. Hill also reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will be moving forward with a request concerning requirements of their projects. This request concerns a recent traffic study involving various compliances with office building conditions. One of these improvements is very costly, improvements at the intersection of Park and Devon. The Village would have to pay for physical improvements and that we would have to ask AAP to fund at least partially for these improvements.

Mr. Aaron Fundich, Village Engineer Consultant, had no report.

Ms. Julie Ciesla, Finance Director, reported that the Illinois Municipal League sent the Village an email informing us of the personal property tax distribution of about $16,000. This does have an impact regarding the Police Pension fund. Additionally, the contract for the auditing will be on the May 10th meeting.

Mr. Evan Teich, Village Administrator, reported that a week from Friday the manager’s group regarding the ComEd poles will reconvene with ComEd officials. This is the first time a meeting like this has been conducted since ComEd put the brakes on the project. One of the reasons why ComEd has gone quiet, Mr. Teich continued, is because they have significant legislation in Springfield. If we can get legislation we want to get it attached to theirs.

Mr. Chuck Hervas, Village Attorney, had no report.

Adjournment: Trustee Aiani made a motion to adjourn the Committee of the

Whole Meeting at 9:04PM; Trustee Hower seconded the

motion. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.


Minutes by: Jacob Lawrence, Deputy Village Clerk