
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lombard Village Board of Trustees to Meet on April 7

Lombard historical society

The Village of Lombard, Illinois Board of Trustees will meet on April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room to discuss items including the sale of surplus village equipment and partnering with DuPage County on the Cool DuPage Program.

The board will begin the meeting with administrative business, such as proclomations on the Lilac Garden Club 90th Anniversary and approval of minutes from the last regular meeting, committee reports and comments from the village manager and board.

After reviewing the accounts payable for the period ending since the last meeting, the board will discuss ordinances related to liquor licenses and the regulations surrounding them, cost recovery for economic incentive requests and the sale of unneeded equipment including a large format printer/scanner.

The board will also discuss resolutions on topics such as the village’s continued participation in the Suburban Tree Consortium and agreements supporting a July 4 fireworks display at Madison Meadows Park. The board will cover proposed contracts for services including tree planting, the Lombard Police Pension and gasoline and fuel purchasing.

The meeting will end with an executive session to discuss probable or imminent litigation and pending litigation.