
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Naperville to discuss possible shared services plan


The Township of Naperville Electors will discuss a shared services plan at its annual meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at the Naperville Township District Office.

The electors will discuss a pending shared services plan between the City of Naperville and the Naperville Township Road District. They will also set the date and time for next year’s meeting.

The mission of the annual meeting is to conduct the miscellaneous business of the township of Naperville. The first order of business is to elect a moderator and establish a salary for the position. Following the election of the moderator, the meeting’s agenda includes the appointment of parliamentarian and sergeant at arms, approval of minutes from last year’s meeting (April 14, 2015) and reports from elected officials from each of the various departments within the township.

The Naperville Township District Office is located at 31W331 N. Aurora Road.