
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Lombard Trustees approve proposed improvements for bicycle and pedestrian safety


Lombard's board of trustees recently accepted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan proposal, taking another step toward its development. 

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee originally recommended the project, which will create the framework for a safe and accessible network of paths and facilities connecting cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities to several of the village’s most popular destinations.

The concepts for the plan were created through a partnership with Alta Planning and Design and the Active Transportation Alliance.

“The purpose of the plan is to respond to a rising need of bicyclists and pedestrians in the community," Matthew Lew, Lombard’s Civil Engineer, said. “Lombard has access to both the Illinois Prairie Path and the Great Western Trail, which are visited by tens of thousands of people each year. We’re looking forward to providing these hobbyists, daily commuters, families and the rest of our residents with safer options when it comes to bicycle riding or walking in Lombard.”

The plan was created using innovative data collection from a number of stakeholders throughout the village. Information was recorded from an interactive online map that asked residents to identify the most popular bike and pedestrian routes along with a number of online surveys.

Participation in the research was high with more than 700 cyclists and pedestrians visiting the website, completing the surveys and attending public meetings.

 The initial phase of the plan was the installation of the new flashing beacon system at the intersection of the Illinois Prairie Path and Main Street, which allows users of the path to activate a flashing light system that warns drivers that bikers are in the area. The development of several other elements of the plan, including bike accommodations, crossing improvements, and path upgrades, will begin in the near future as funds become available.

 For more information on the biking and pedestrian plan, please visit www.villageoflombard.org/bikelombard or call Public Works at (630) 620-5740.