
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Lombard conducts voluntary testing to ensure safety, quality of drinking water


In an effort to assure its residents that their drinking water is safe and of the purest quality, Lombard will be conducting voluntary water sampling over the next several months.

With the normal public water distribution systems nationwide requirements for lead testing every three years, Lombard’s water was found to exceed all federal and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Standards for drinking water in 2014.

Therefore, this year's voluntary testing is a display of the village’s ongoing support of mandated water quality reporting to ensure quality. The independent results will be posted online at www.viillageoflombard.org/waterquality.

Like many Illinois municipalities, Lombard receives pretreated finished water from Chicago via the DuPage Water Commission. The village adds a small amount of chlorine to maintain a level of disinfectant. As older plumbing fixtures, pipes and water service lines corrode, lead leaching is possible.

To help fight any potential leaching, Chicago treats water with a polyphosphate additive that creates a thin barrier layer on the inside of water mains and interior plumbing.

With the voluntary quality tests, Lombard wants to ensure its residents that it is committed to providing the highest quality and safest water. For additional information, please contact Lombard Public Works at publicworks@villageoflombard.org or via phone at 630-620-5740.