
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Bartlett Board to finalize Blue Heron Business Park issues at meeting


The village of Bartlett board will hold a public hearing on the Blue Heron Business Park Annexation during its regular meeting 7:00 p.m. Tuesday at Village Hall.

Following opening proceedings and approval of minutes, the board will hear updated reports from the village president and treasurer.

 As the agenda moves to Standing Committee Reports, the Planning and Zoning Committee will present an ordinance to approve the Third Amendment to the 125-acre Annexation Agreement for the Blue Heron Business Park property.

A second ordinance will follow to approve the Amended Planned Unit Development for the Blue Heron Business Park Property that will grant a special use permit for an amended concept plan, an amended preliminary PUD plan and an amended pre-approved site plan.

Finally, the board will approve the public improvement completion agreement for the Blue Heron Business Park Property. 

Following the business related to Blue Heron, the remaining committees will present their reports, leading to adjournment.