
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, January 31, 2025

Lombard unveils plans for Bike and Pedestrian Project


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Contributed photo

The Village of Lombard recently held an open house to present plans to the community for the village’s first-ever Bike and Pedestrian Project, which is currently in development.

The project aims to address the requests and needs of Lombard's bicyclists and pedestrians.

Attendees learned about the ongoing planning process and were able to ask questions and provide input. Local interest has been high, as nearly 1,000 people have visited the online map and have taken a survey on the project. Local bikers have attended public meetings on the subject and have met with project planners during Cruise Nights.

This interaction, along with input from the open house, has created valuable feedback and several route recommendations that will help determine the types of bicycle and pedestrian features that will be included in the project plan.

Those who could not attend the meeting can read the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan here: www.villageoflombard.org/DocumentCenter/View/15398.