
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cub Scouts and volunteers help keep waterways clean in Lombard

Stencilingvolunteerjoannedooley thumb

Volunteer Joanne Dooley hard at work.

Volunteer Joanne Dooley hard at work.

Cub Scouts recently stenciled no dumping warnings to prevent watershed pollution in the Village of Lombard.

Cub Scout Pack 42 and volunteer Joanne Dooley painted the words "No Dumping - drains to waterways" in front of storm inlets in the Hammerschmidt School neighborhood and north of North Ave., in the industrial area. Oil, paint or other chemicals dumped into Lombard storm drains flow directly into the DuPage River or Salt Creek.

“Ponds, streams and rivers are better protected and problems are more often reported when people understand the specific watershed that they live in,” Jan Roehll, DuPage County Program Director for The Conservation Foundation, said.

The Village of Lombard lies over two watersheds, with two thirds of the Village storm drains leading to the east branch of the DuPage River and the other one third draining into Salt Creek.

At the spot where the watershed divides on Wilson Ave., in front of the Village Hall, there is now an informational sign about the watersheds explaining the importance of keeping watersheds and waterways free of pollutants.

The stencils and paint that the young Scouts used to paint the warnings were provided by the Conservation Foundation, the County of DuPage and the Village of Lombard.