Wheaton treats several streets with asphalt coating.
Wheaton treats several streets with asphalt coating.
The City of Wheaton, Illinois, recently undertook an asphalt treatment for several residential streets.
The project, which began Tuesday, was scheduled for completion Wednesday.
The purpose of the treatment is to extend the life of roadways by applying GSB-88, a treatment that is the equivalent of staining a wood deck to protect it from sun and water damage. Applying this treatment provides similar protection for pavement.
The treatment was applied to part of Brentwood Lane, along with Cheshire Lane; Cheshire Court; part of Windsor Drive; Sheffield Lane; and part of Briarcliffe Blvd.
The city of Wheaton government includes Mayor Michael J. Gresk and six City Council members. Current members are John K. Rutledge, John Prendiville, Thoresen Saline, Phil Suess, Todd Scalzo and Evelyn Pacino Sanguinetti. City Hall hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.