
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 9, 2025

FAA boosts grant to install noise insulation in homes around Midway Airport


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U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Dist. 3) recently said the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration has added a $2.8 million grant to a previously announced $10 million grant for sound insulation in homes around Midway Airport.

The grant will provide funding for phase two of a three-phase project that includes insulation for a total of 917 eligible residences, improving the quality of life for over 2,000 people who live near the airport.

"Midway Airport plays an important role in both the regional and local economy, but having grown up less than a mile from Midway, I know that issues such as airplane noise can be extremely frustrating," Lipinski said. "In response to a number of Midway-related noise complaints, additional sound monitors have been placed in communities around the airport. I will continue to strive to make the airport better for everyone.”

Lipinski serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, as well as the Aviation Subcommittee.