
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

IEC honors Ill. lawmaker for perfect environmental voting record


State Rep. Ron Sandack will be honored by the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) later this month for his perfect voting record on environmental legislation in 2015.

“I was incredibly pleased to learn of the IEC’s approval of my voting record as it relates to environmental issues,” Sandack said. “For 40 years, this group has been a respected leader and advocate for those who cherish the environment, and their recognition means a great deal to me.”

The IEC considered lawmakers’ votes on seven specific bills, including: HB 352, allowing for bobcat hunting in Illinois;  HB 2607 and HB 1485, Clean Jobs bills that will grow the share of energy Illinois gets from renewables, expands energy efficiency targets and creates a framework for reducing carbon pollution; SB 681, which adds new invasive species to the list of plants that cannot be sold or distributed in Illinois; HB 1455, which increases electronic waste recycling goals, provides a lower cost and environmentally safe disposal option for CRT glass, and removes costs to local governments; HB 1326, which protects the Mahomet Aquifer by prohibiting certain MGP waste from landfills; and HB 437, which allows for temporary and permanent sites that are permitted to collect organic composting materials.

“Ron Sandack is a leader for the environment in Springfield, and voted 100 percent of the time with the environmental community on seven pieces of key legislation,” IEC Executive Director Jen Walling said. “The IEC is honored by Representative Sandack’s dedication to Illinois’ environment and we look forward to working together in the future.”

Sandack will be recognized for his perfect scorecard performance at the IEC’s Environmental Leadership Dinner on Sept. 24.