
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Durbin says newly passed transportation bill brings certainty to businesses and government


Sen. Dick Durbin | The Office of Sen. Dick Durbin

Sen. Dick Durbin | The Office of Sen. Dick Durbin

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said on Thursday that the Senate's passage of a bipartisan transportation bill gives businesses and state governments certainty to plan vital infrastructure projects and create sustainable jobs.

The Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act reauthorizes surface transportation programs for six years, through fiscal year 2021. The bill specifically promotes continued growth in highway and transit funding, includes funding for Positive Train Control implementation, while creating a national freight rail program. 

“This long-term transportation bill reflects a bipartisan effort to provide businesses and state and local governments with more certainty so they can plan for the future,” Durbin said. “I do not agree with every provision in this bill, but it will mean more federal funds for Illinois and the majority of Illinois’ infrastructure priorities have been protected. There is a substantial increase in bus programs, which benefits the entire state."

Illinois receives nearly $2 billion per year from the Highway Trust Fund. The bill extends funding to the trust for three more months.