
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Lipinski moves forward with ensuring vehicles safe from cyber attacks


Rep. Dan Lipinski | The Office of Rep. Dan Lipinski

Rep. Dan Lipinski | The Office of Rep. Dan Lipinski

After Fiat Chrysler recently recalled 1.4 million cars and trucks that were vulnerable to hackers, U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) said he will continue his efforts to keep transportation safe from cyber attacks.

“As the ‘Internet of things’ grows, more and more cars, trucks and other modes of transportation have critical systems connected to the Internet, which makes them vulnerable to hacking,” Lipinski said. “This is creating the potential for real danger, as we saw when hackers took over control of a Jeep. For example, safety-critical functions, including brakes, are electronically controlled and personal information, such as location, are electronically communicated. These vulnerabilities pose great risks and the federal government must do more to help protect Americans from these risks.”

Lipinski's efforts include calling on the Government Accountability Office to identify current and foreseeable cyber vulnerabilities of vehicles, while also pushing for more information regarding research and development efforts the Department of Transportation is undertaking to address and communicate these cyber risks.

The Congressman also introduced the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act. Signed into law late last year, the legislation increases the security of federal networks and information systems, improves the transfer of cybersecurity technologies to the marketplace, coordinates and prioritizes federal cybersecurity research and development efforts, and calls for training a cybersecurity workforce.