
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Lombard blood drive a success


The Village of Lombard collected 158 pints of blood during its annual summer blood drive on July 8.

“We’re so glad the community continues to support our blood drives,” Carol Bauer, executive coordinator to the village manager and blood drive organizer, said. “It’s a selfless act to donate blood – and every pint counts.”

Lombard has hosted blood drives since January 1988 and has collected 12,432 pints of blood since its first drive.

The village will hold its next blood drive on Sept. 16 to commemorate the 9/11 tragedy.

Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred.

To make an appointment online, visit www.heartlandbc.org.

For further information, contact Carol Bauer at 630-620-5712.

Lombard government offices are at 255 E. Wilson Ave.