
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

Hultgren's 'sunset' bill aims to eliminate onerous regulations


U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL) reintroduced his bill, the Regulatory Review and Sunset Act of 2015, H.R. 2010, on Thursday, calling for a process in which federal agencies can “sunset” outdated, duplicative and conflicting regulations that weigh on U.S. businesses and families.


“For too long, hard-working Americans have suffered the collateral damage of higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs as a result of excessive and outdated regulation. The regulatory burden weakens the confidence of the business community in Illinois and nationwide, resulting in a reluctance to hire workers and invest. This inefficient and ineffective regulatory regime spans across the federal government, and our economy suffers,” Hultgren said.”


U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) recently introduced counterpart legislation in the Senate, also called the Regulatory Review and Sunset Act


“Families in my district are finding their incomes are not keeping up with rising prices for daily necessities. The last thing they need is more costly burdens on their budget,” Hultgren said. “These bills will push federal agencies to analyze the rules on the books and put those that are obsolete, duplicative and conflicting on a path to elimination. I thank Sen. Blunt for introducing similar legislation in the Senate to cut down on unnecessary and costly regulations, and I hope to see action on both bills soon.”