
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois news release encourages families to develop a disaster communications plan


State Rep. Christine Radogno (R-41st) recently posted a news release on her website informing residents that the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is encouraging people to develop a Family Communications Plan that includes the “Text First, Talk Second” concept.

“Communicating with family and friends immediately after a disaster is important,” IEMA Director James K. Joseph said. “We’re encouraging people to plan now so they’ll know how to reach their contacts in the chaotic aftermath of a disaster.”

Joseph recommends short, easily understand text messages, which can later be followed up with a phone call.

Texts and emails are more effective during an emergency, as the services are less likely to encounter network congestion during a crisis.

Other emergency communication tips include keeping all phone calls brief. If you are unsuccessful at completing a call, wait ten seconds before redialing; if you lose power, charge your cell phone in your vehicle.

Also, the communications plan should identify an out-of-area contact, and household members should carry this information with them at all times.

Visit www.Ready.Illinois.gov for more information on developing a family communications plan.