
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Leaders protect local revenues


Leaders protect local revenues | Courtesy of petswelcome.com

Leaders protect local revenues | Courtesy of petswelcome.com

Mayors David Brummel (Warrenville), Deborah Bullwinkel (Villa Park), Rodney Craig (Hanover Park) and Rich Veenstra (Addison) recently attended the Illinois governor's budget address to defend local revenues in their DuPage County towns.

Gov. Rauner’s address outlined plans to implement 50 percent reductions on the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF), where the state deposits its state income tax revenue.

The mayors emphasized the importance of ending expensive, unfunded mandates and protecting local revenues. They met with several officials, such as Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinietti and state Sen. John Cullterton (D-6th).

As of today, counties and cities accept 8 percent of the state income tax revenues through the LGDF to help fund services and maintain low local tax burdens. In fiscal 2014, Illinois gained an estimated $20.8 billion in state income tax, but for now the LGDF has only received $1.25 billion.

Local officials say if the LGDF is removed, communities throughout Illinois would be forced to raise taxes.

DuPage County's mayors say they will continue to remind state legislators that reducing the LGDF to financially responsible communities would be harmful to the overall Illinois economy.