
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Roskam demands answers from HHS on tax credit mistakes for Obamacare participants

Peter roskam

U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam, chairman of the Ways and Means Oversight subcommittee sent a letter to Marilyn Tavenner, administrator for HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), asking why nearly one million people received the wrong from he | U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam

U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam, chairman of the Ways and Means Oversight subcommittee sent a letter to Marilyn Tavenner, administrator for HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), asking why nearly one million people received the wrong from he | U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam

Rep. Peter Roskam, chairman of the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, sent a letter to the U.S. Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator this week asking why nearly 1 million people received incorrect tax forms from health insurance marketplaces set up under Obamacare.

Roskam (R-IL) said the mistake could cause citizens to experience more delays and challenges in filing their tax returns this year.

“As you know, the Affordable Care Act added dozens of pages of additional forms and instructions to the 1040 tax return process,” Roskam's letter to Marilyn Tavenner read. “As we understand, the federal government-run marketplace incorrectly filled out the new Form 1095-A, for which it was solely responsible. These errors will almost certainly result in taxpayers receiving too much or too little in premium tax credits, which could significantly impact the size or timeliness of any tax refund they are owed.”

Roskam asked Tavenner what caused incorrect benchmark premium information to be reported on Form 1095-A and when her office learned about the mistakes. He also asked for the exact number of people who received the wrong form, noting it has been reported to be more than 800,000 Americans. Finally, he asked what individuals can do if they have already filed a tax return this year after receiving the wrong form. 

He asked Tavenner to answer his inquiry by March 6.