
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Board of Trustees meeting highlights: Nov. 17, 2014

Meeting 01

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Addison met Nov. 17 at Addison Village Hall, Board Room, 1 Friendship Plaza. The following items were discussed.

Consents Agenda

a) Trustee Layne reported that the Finance and Policy Committee, earlier this evening, recommended approval of the following directives:

-Directive #15-43 in the amount of $934,420.74

-Directive #15-44 in the amount of $38,129.43

-Directive #15-45 in the amount of $643,230.12

Mayor Veenstra continued:

b) Approval of recommendation to award Large Diameter Sewer Line Closed Circuit Televising Bid #14-10-1 to Visu-Sewer of Illinois out of Bridgeview, Ill., in the not-to-exceed amount of $32,772.19 for approximately 17,000 lineal feet of large diameter sewer televising; funding from account #5031-4180

c) Approval of payment to Petrolium Technologies of Lyons, Ill., in the amount of $22,025 for the removal of the 10,000 gallon underground diesel fuel tank at the AJ LaRocca Facility at 333 S. Villa Ave., bid #14-5-5, account #6113-4304

d) Approval of payout #6 to John Neri Construction Co. in the amount of $423,916 for the Wastewater Pump Station Improvement project, IEPA Loan L17-4991

e) Approval of the Finance Director's Report for the period ending October 2014

f) Approval of the Investment Report for the period ending October 2014

Motion to approve the items a, b, c, d, and e was made by Trustee Lynch, seconded by Trustee Hundley

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

Separate Vote

g) Approval to accent 3-year uniform contract from Unifirst Corp. of Melrose Park, Ill., through the NJPA contract. This is subject to attorney's approval.

Approval of the Finance Director's Report for the period ending October 2014

Ordinances and Resolutions

a) Second reading of the ordinance authorizing the Village of Addison to borrow funds from the IEPA Water Pollution Control Loan Program

Trustee Layne reported that at their Nov. 3, 2014, meeting, the Finance and Policy Committee reviewed this ordinance, which authorizes the Village to borrow $1,906,500 in funds from the IEPA Water Pollution Control Loan Program, and repeal Ordinance O-14-15. The committee recommended approval, and first reading was given at the Nov. 3 Village Board meeting. A second reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Layne, seconded by Trustee Theodore

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

b) Second reading of an ordinance rezoning certain territory to B3 Service Business District - Lake Street Commons Shopping Center (Southeast corner of Mill Road and Lake Street)

Trustee Theodore reported that at their Oct. 27 meeting, the Building, Zoning and Development Committee reviewed this Ordinance, which rezones the Lake Street Commons Shopping Center from B2 (Community Business District) to B3 (Service Business District). The committee recommended approval and first reading was given at the Nov. 3 Village Board meeting. A second reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Layne, seconded by Trustee Kluczny

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

c) Second reading of an ordinance amending certain provisions of the Village of Addison Zoning Ordinance

Trustee Theodore reported that at their Oct. 27 meeting, the Building, Zoning and Development Committee reviewed this ordinance, which amends certain sections in the Village's Zoning Ordinance. The committee recommended approval and first reading was given at the Nov. 3 Village Board meeting. A second reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Theodore, seconded by Trustee Lynch

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

d) Second reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Village of Addison - Parental Responsibility and Bullying

Trustee Lynch reported that at the Oct. 27 meeting, the Public Health, Safety and Judicial Committee reviewed this ordinance, which amends Chapter 13 of the Village Code by adding a new section pertaining to parental responsibility and bullying.

The committee recommended approval and first reading was given at the Nov. 3 Village Board meeting. A second reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Lynch, seconded by Trustee Hundley

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

e) First reading of an ordinance terminating the designation of the Village of Addison Army Trail/Mill Road Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area (Addison TIF District #1), as created by Ordinance No. O-94-24 adopted March 21, 1994, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and dissolving the special Army Trail/Mill Road Tax Increment Allocation Fund

Trustee Layne reported that at their meeting earlier this evening, the Finance and Policy Committee reviewed this ordinance, which will finalize and close out TIF District #1. The committee recommended approval, and a first reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

f) First reading of the ordinance terminating the designation of the Village of Addison Fullerton Avenue Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area (Addison TIF District #4), as created by Ordinance No. O-08-32 adopted May 5, 2008, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and dissolving the special Addison Fullerton Tax Increment Allocation Fund

Trustee Layne reported that at the meeting earlier this evening, the Finance and Policy Committee reviewed this ordinance, which will finalize and close out TIF District #4. The committee recommended approval, and a first reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

g) First reading of an ordinance approving the application process for benefits under the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act

Trustee Layne reported that at their meeting earlier this evening, the Finance and Policy Committee reviewed this ordinance, which approves the application for benefits under the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act. The committee recommended approval, and a first reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

h) First reading of an ordinance amending traffic regulations within the Village of Addison for a "no parking on the east side of Westgate Drive from the north right-of-way of Commercial Avenue thence 100 feet north."

Trustee Lynch reported that at their Nov. 10 meeting, the Public Health, Safety and Judicial Committee reviewed this ordinance, which would approve a "No Parking" restriction on the part of Westgate Drive just north of Commercial Avenue. The committee recommended approval and first reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

i) First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Village of Addison code with regard to the Historical Commission

Trustee Lynch reported that at their Nov. 10 meeting, the Public Health, Safety and Judicial Committee reviewed this ordinance, which amends the portion of the Village Code pertaining to the Historical Commission. The committee recommended approval and first reading was requested.

j) First reading of an ordinance restricting access road to emergency vehicles

Trustee Lynch reported that at their Nov. 10 meeting, the Public Health, Safety and Judicial Committee reviewed this ordinance, which restricts an access road adjacent to the Addison Fire Station on Addison Road to emergency vehicles only. The committee recommended approval and waiver of second reading has been requested by Staff. The attorney was asked to read the ordinance.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

Motion to wave second reading was made by Trustee Lynch and seconded by Trustee Hundley

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Lynch and seconded by Trustee Hundley

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None

k) First reading of an ordinance approving Plat of Dedication for right-of-way (Waveland Avenue)

Trustee Theodore reported that at their Nov. 10 meeting, the Building, Zoning and Development Committee reviewed this ordinance, which approves a Plat of Dedication for the right of way of Waveland Avenue to be dedicated by the Addison Park District. The committee recommended approval and first reading was requested.

Attorney Marchetti read the ordinance.

l) Consideration of a resolution approving Illinois Emergency Management Agency ("IEMA") State-Local Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Agreement Amendment No. 2

Trustee Theodore reported that at their Nov. 10 meeting, the Public Health, Safety and Judicial Committee reviewed this resolution, which extends provisions contained in the original grant agreement to acquire 14 flood prone homes in the Salt Creek Floodplain. The committee recommended approval, and the attorney was asked to read the Resolution.

Attorney Marchetti read the resolution.

Motion to approve item was made by Trustee Lynch and seconded by Trustee Hundley

Ayes: Hundley, Kluczny, Layne, Lynch, McDermott, Theodore

Nays: None