Village Of Lombard
Recent News About Village Of Lombard
Lombard Trustees approve proposed improvements for bicycle and pedestrian safety
Lombard's board of trustees recently accepted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan proposal, taking another step toward its development.
Lombard conducts voluntary testing to ensure safety, quality of drinking water
In an effort to assure its residents that their drinking water is safe and of the purest quality, Lombard will be conducting voluntary water sampling over the next several months.
Get to know Lombard's snow plow drivers
In order to connect residents with the Public Works crews that service their roads, Lombard is launching a new educational series entitled “Get to Know Your Snow Plow Driver.”
Flashing lights to warn Main Street drivers of pedestrians on Prairie Path
The Lombard Public Works Department recently unveiled its new Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon system (RRFB), located at the intersection of the Illinois Prairie Path and Main Street.
Lombard educates residents on process of starting a retail business
In order to educate Lombard residents about the process of opening a retail establishment in the area, the village’s Community Development Department recently introduced an online tutorial program to increase Lombard’s role in attracting and retaining businesses.
Lombard Zoning Board to review detached building exceptions at upcoming meeting
The village of Lombard Zoning Board of Appeals will review a variation request, regarding accessory buildings along Illinois Route 53, during its upcoming meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 24 in the Village Hall board room.
Lombard Police warn residents to beware IRS payment phone scams
With scam phone calls on the rise in Lombard the past few weeks, the Lombard Police Department has issued a warning to all residents, reminding them not to give out any personal information or authorize a wire transfer to anyone over the phone.
Lombard Board of Local Improvements to discuss rebate at meeting
The Village of Lombard Board of Local Improvements will discuss what to do with a Public Benefit Assessment rebate of $83,135.12 during its regular meeting at 6:15 p.m. Thursday in the Trustees’ Conference Room.
Lombard Village Board accepts Pride Committee's 2016 event requests
The Lombard Pride Committee, a group of residents tasked with identifying preferences and prioritizing availability for future special events and festivals in the Village of Lombard, recently submitted its recommendations for 2016 to the Village Board, which accepted them.
Lombard Plan Commission to discuss Discount Tire expansion issues tonight
The Village of Lombard Plan Commission will review requests regarding the expansion of a Discount Tire retail location during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Village Hall Board Room, 255 E. Wilson Ave.
Lombard Finance Committee to discuss long-term planning tonight
The Village of Lombard Finance & Administration Committee will discuss long-term planning at its regular meeting at 7 p.m. today in the Lorraine G. Gerhardt Community Room at Lombard Village Hall, 255 E. Wilson Ave.
Lombard trustees to proclaim next month Fitness February
The Village of Lombard Board of Trustees will proclaim next month Fitness February during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Village Hall Board Room, 255 E. Wilson Ave.
Lombard Community Relations Committee to discuss fate of youth program tonight
The Village of Lombard Community Relations Committee will consider its options regarding this year's Glenbard East Youth Leadership Program at its regular meeting at 7 p.m. today in the Trustees Conference Room at Village Hall, 255 E. Wilson Ave.
Lombard trustees to discuss service contracts at Thursday meeting
The Village of Lombard Board of Trustees will consider snow-removal and other service contracts at its first meeting of 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Village Hall Board Room, 255 East Wilson Ave.
Lombard Historical Commission discusses Railroad/Prairie Path project
The Village of Lombard Historical Commission held its first meeting of 2016 today at Village Hall, during which commission members discussed the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Elective Railroad/Prairie Path.
Lombard opens revamped Hammerschmidt Commuter Lot
With an expansion project having been completed, the Village of Lombard reopened the Hammerschmidt Commuter Lot downtown this week.
Lombard Fire Department's annual Toy Drive has best haul ever
Spreading joy to families throughout the community, the Lombard Fire Department recently completed its 15th Annual Toy Drive.
Lombard Plan Commission meeting tonight
The Village of Lombard Plan Commission will hold its regular meeting 7:30 p.m. today at Village Hall, 255 East Wilson Ave.
Lombard Fire and Police Commissioners Board meeting canceled
The Village of Lombard said the planned meeting of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, set for 6:30 p.m. today, has been canceled.
Lombard Village Board of Trustees meeting Thursday night
The Village of Lombard will hold its Village Board of Trustees meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, in the Village Hall Board Room, 255 East Wilson Ave.