Village Of Bartlett
Recent News About Village Of Bartlett
No new teachers in Bartlett sign pledge in week ending April 2 to teach Critical Race Theory
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge in week ending April 2, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
Number of teachers pledging to teach Critical Race Theory in Bartlett stagnates at one in week ending March 26
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge in week ending March 26, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
Bartlett eNews - Bartlett Trivia, Egg Hunt, Shred event & more
Little Creators Thursday, 4/7, 6:30 p.m.
Bartlett eNews - Bartlett Trivia, Egg Hunt, Shred event & more
Little Creators Thursday, 4/7, 6:30 p.m.
Bartlett collects $220,859 in Municipal Sales Tax in March
This is a decrease from the month before.
Bartlett taxpayers give $157,623 in Municipal Home Rule Sales Tax in March
This is a decrease from the month before.
Number of teachers pledging to teach Critical Race Theory in Bartlett stagnates at one in week ending March 19
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge in week ending March 19, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
Bartlett residents pay $2.4 million in Municipal Home Rule Sales Tax in 2021
This is an increase over the year before.
Bartlett taxpayers give $3.3 million in Municipal Sales Tax in 2021
This is an increase over the year before.
Number of teachers pledging to teach Critical Race Theory in Bartlett stagnates at one in week ending March 12
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge in week ending March 12, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
No new teachers in Bartlett sign pledge on March 13 to teach Critical Race Theory
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge on March 13, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
No new teachers in Bartlett sign pledge on March 12 to teach Critical Race Theory
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge on March 12, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
No new teachers in Bartlett sign pledge on March 11 to teach Critical Race Theory
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge on March 11, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
No new teachers in Bartlett sign pledge on March 10 to teach Critical Race Theory
There were no new teachers in Bartlett who signed the pledge on March 10, according to an online pledge from the Zinn Education Project.
Bartlett eNews - Village Bd Meeting & artist reception on 3/15
The next Village Board and Committee of the Whole meeting will be on Tuesday, 3/15/2022 starting at 7 p.m. The meeting agendas are attached for your convenience.
Bartlett eNews - Lion King musical, maple syruping, Sear kit home history & more
Lion King Jr. at Bartlett Community Center, 700 S.
How many points did John C. Wentzell from Bartlett win in Boys’ 16 singles USTA competitions by week ending March 5?
Bartlett tennis player John C. Wentzell won 157 points playing singles tournaments in the junior Boys’ 16 category of the United States Tennis Association by the week ending March 5.
How did William Wentzell X from Bartlett place in Boys’ 12 USTA standings in the week ending March 5?
Bartlett tennis player William Wentzell X is ranked 2,224th in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending March 5.
How did William Wentzell X from Bartlett place in Boys’ 12 USTA standings in the week ending March 5?
Bartlett tennis player William Wentzell X is ranked 2,224th in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending March 5.
How high did Bartlett junior tennis player William Wentzell X rank in Boys’ 12 singles bracket by week ending March 5?
Bartlett tennis player William Wentzell X won 160 points playing singles tournaments in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association by the week ending March 5.