City of Aurora
Recent News About City of Aurora
Here are the 50 former employees of the City of Aurora receiving the highest annual pension payouts
Here are the 50 former employees of the City of Aurora receiving the highest annual pension payouts, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
City of Aurora Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Administrative Board met April 26.
City of Aurora Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Administrative Board met at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 26.
City of Aurora Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 27.
Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27.
City of Aurora Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 23.
Building Grounds & Infrastructure Committee met at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23.
City of Aurora GAR Commission met March 15.
GAR Commission met at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 15.
City of Aurora Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Administrative Board met March 22.
Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Administrative Board met at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 22.
Aurora ranked 904th in state in lottery ticket sales for April 2016
The City of Aurora had the 904th highest lottery ticket net sales statewide per capita for the month of April 2016 -- down 2 spots from its March ranking.
Aurora ranked 905th in state in lottery ticket sales for July 2016
The City of Aurora had the 905th highest lottery ticket net sales statewide per capita for the month of July 2016 -- down 1 spot from its June ranking.
Aurora hosts The Awakenings Project at City Hall
A showcase called The Awakenings Project is on display at Aurora City Hall as part of the Art at City Hall exhibit.
Hispanic community breakfast sponsored by AHHAB
Early risers enjoyed a 7 a.m. breakfast event Friday, Jan. 27 at Gaslite Manor, in Aurora, featuring the theme 'Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow' and sponsored by the Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board (AHHAB).
Aurora prepares for upcoming Dr. Martin Luther King Commemoration
The city of Aurora recently announced that it will host the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King Commemoration at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16, at Matea Valley High School, which is located at 1801 N. Eola Road.
- to open two facilities in Aurora, creating 1,000 full-time jobs
Amazon, Intersect Illinois and the Illinois Department of Commerce said today that two fulfillment centers will be opening in Aurora, creating 1,000 full-time jobs.
Aurora invites community to Downtown Master Plan Workshop
As part of its partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the City of Aurora is reaching out to residents, business owners and other stakeholders throughout the community in search of ideas and feedback for the development of the Downtown Aurora Master Plan.
Tech company set to purchase, move into old Aurora library building
The City of Aurora Finance Committee recently met to consider an agreement between the City of Aurora, the Aurora Public Library and Support Companies, LLC, in which Support Companies would purchase and revamp the old library building at 1 E. Benton St. in downtown Aurora.
Sewer work closed Aurora intersection for part of weekend
Both lanes at the intersection of Montgomery Road and Farnsworth Avenue in Aurora were closed for part of the weekend to accommodate sewer-maintenance work. During the closure, all eastbound and westbound traffic was detoured to Fifth Avenue via Hill Avenue and Farnsworth Avenue.
Aurora groups invited to apply for 2016 Festival Funding Grants
The City of Aurora is inviting neighborhood and community groups to apply for Neighborhood Festival Funding Grants to help pay for 2016 events. The grants are available from the city government for assistance with the planning and execution of organized festivals and celebrations during 2016.
Aurora Farmers Market gets federal grants to boost access to fresh, local food
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently awarded grants totaling $99,965 to the City of Aurora Farmers Market to increase access to fresh and healthy foods -- including produce, dairy, meats and breads -- to low-income families, as well as boost the local agriculture economy.
Aurora recognized by International Code Council
The city of Aurora said Sept. 9 that the International Code Council (ICC) has recognized the city's Building and Permits Division as part of its 2015 Everyone Certified Campaign.
New Aurora restaurant to benefit from city's revenue-sharing initiative
City and owner of Spartan Ale House will split cost of infrastructure improvements.
Improvements coming to I-88
Interstate 88 will soon be making way for the new diverging diamond interchange.