
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, June 2, 2024

PT Students Care for Community, Raise Research Funds

(Physical Therapy students Brady Aboussleman (CHS-DG PT 2024), class president, and Rhylee Reed (CHS-DG PT 2024), SPTO president organize donations for DuPage PADS.)

As a way of celebrating National Physical Therapy (PT) Month, Midwestern University students, faculty, and staff provided service and collected donations to benefit the community throughout the month of October.

The PT Program on the Downers Grove Campus gathered donations of food, clothing, and supplies for DuPage Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS). DuPage PADS was started in 1985 to support those experiencing homelessness in DuPage County. In April 2022, DuPage PADS opened an Interim Housing Center that provides shelter for more than 300 people including 130 children at a repurposed hotel in Downers Grove. The Physical Therapy students led the effort to deliver hundreds of pounds of food, clothing, and supplies to DuPage PADS.

In addition, the Student Physical Therapy Organization (SPTO), under the leadership of PT student officers, hosted the annual Marquette Challenge and raised over $1,645 to support Physical Therapy Research. Since 1989, future physical therapists and physical therapist assistants at schools across the country have raised more than $4.6 million to support research efforts.

Original source can be found here.