
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, May 3, 2024

Durkin: 'The administration is placing criminals above victims'


Rep. Jim Durkin | repdurkin.com

Rep. Jim Durkin | repdurkin.com

 Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Burr Ridge) is no fan of the Prison Review Board. 

“The bad policies put in place by the governor and his Democratic allies in the General Assembly and a passive Cook County State's Attorney have created a consequence-free Illinois which has only emboldened criminals,” Durkin said during a recent news conference. “In Illinois and specifically Chicago, we are witnessing an unprecedented crime wave, carjackings, smash-and-grabs, armed robberies and murders are all reaching new highs.”

Durkin has filed House Bill 5126 as the vehicle he feels is needed to bring about the change Republican lawmakers are convinced is called for. The measure seeks to enact tougher standards for violent offenders seeking to be released from prison. Durkin argues such legislation is critically needed after a cop killer, a murderer-rapist and a child killer were all released from prison.

The bill would also require that just under half of the 12 individuals on the Prisoner Review Board have police officer or prosecutor experience, along with establishing that at least two-thirds of the board be required to vote in favor of parole for a person convicted of first-degree murder to be released in the state. Another bill seeks to make the governor’s parole case decisions open to the public.

“Myself and my Republican colleagues have repeatedly discussed the anti-police and anti-victim legislation signed into law by Gov. Pritzker and his legislative cohorts,” Durkin said. “It has broken our criminal justice system. And while many of the perpetrators of violent crime are no longer being held accountable, there is a horrific consequence to each and every one of the victims. We must return to supporting the victims of crime, rather than expanding the rights of criminals as the governor has done in his failed Progressive Public Safety agenda.”

Again, Durking places most of the blame at Pritzker’s feet.

“J.B. Pritzker and his administration have failed, which is why I have filed this morning House Bill 5126, which I hope will help fix this tragedy, which the governor and his administration and his prisoner review board have allowed to happen,” he said. “The governor's Prisoner Review Board needs reform and this is how I propose to do it. The administration is placing criminals above victims and they are trying to silence the voices of victims across the state.”