
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, June 2, 2024

OPINION: Honk for freedom


District 41 School Board President Robert Bruno | Facebook

District 41 School Board President Robert Bruno | Facebook

The truth is an interesting concept. 

There are many types of truth, or is there only one truth? If one looks only at facts, there is one truth. But when people get to infuse their own fears and perceptions based upon unsubstantiated rumor, which then gets reported by a lazy and complicit media, a new “truth” becomes established in people’s’ minds. Gone are the days when the media consists of hard-working journalists looking for a story, upon finding one researching every angle in order to report fairly and then presenting the facts. When conflicting reports are evident, both sides should be given an opportunity to express their views in order to let the public decide on their own.  When fair and factual reporting does not occur one can assume that either the reports were intentionally biased or the people doing the reporting were negligent in their duties.

This exact scenario has played out in a local community in suburban Chicago. A group of mostly female citizens in their 50’s and 60’s decided to stage a peaceful demonstration against mandates imposed by the governor of the state which ask children to mask in schools and get vaccinated against Covid-19 when the FDA recommends it for children. Their signs also mention freedom of choice and other patriotic themes. The group meets every weekday in front of the District 41 office building which happens to be across the street from the side of an elementary school building. There is an intersection on a busy street at the site where about 15 children cross every day with their parents. The demonstrators stand 20 to 30 feet or more from the intersection as they wave flags and direct their signs to those driving by and those working in the district office building. At the intersection a group of five or six citizens stand as a shield to keep these few handfuls of children from seeing the frightening display of free speech. Police are present to protect the demonstrators who have been approached by people who swear at them, place fake planted clowns with them and the such. Video exists of these tactics.

District 41 School Board President Robert Bruno has made taking away the rights of these demonstrators his personal war. While he is a self-proclaimed socialist Marxist, this likely has nothing to do with his actions to try to get Constitutional rights of citizens limited. He was released from a teaching job many years ago for organizing students to do the exact thing he is now trying to limit. His power is the only important issue. Bruno has tried to get the police to limit free speech. He has tried to get the Village of Glen Ellyn to limit free speech. In cahoots with state representative Terra Costa Howard, they are trying to get free speech limited with House Bill 4151 which Howard has introduced in Springfield. Wonder if he called Merrick Garland to get the FBI to potentially limit the free speech of the handful of domestic terrorists allegedly threatening the children. Did Bob’s connections to the media get them to show up and publish one-sided articles about the protestors without even showing up to interview them? When the media and government representatives give false statements about citizens, people only wonder what is next.

Judging from reactions to the demonstrators by drivers of vehicles as they drive by, there are still people in the community who feel that exercising of free speech is important. Numerous trucks, buses and cars have expressed their support with honking for freedom. Even the very occasional driver that gives a thumbs down or flips off the demonstrators is exercising their own free speech. We can only hope that parents and educators of those who question the honking or flag and sign-waving activities explain the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and the history and importance of preserving these rights. It appears that a small group of vocal parents who side with the Marxist school board president are choosing to frighten their children with lies instead of enlightening their minds with knowledge. Oh, the irony of the whole situation!