
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met April 29


Addison School District 4 Board of Education met April 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Williams called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.

Roll call showed the following individuals:

PRESENT: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams


A quorum was declared present.

Mrs. Haney led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion #1: Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Minutes of the Regular Session Meeting of March 20, 2020, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #1 Carried.

Motion #2: Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of April 2020

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Accounts Payable for April 2020, as follows:

Educational Fund $1,629,911.09

Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 320,070.45

Debt Fund $ 0.00

Transportation Fund $ 329,710.60

Municipal Retirement/Social Security Fund $ 91,504.39

Capital Projects Fund $1,294,076.12

Working Cash Fund $ 0.00

Student Activity $ 3,791.37

TOTAL $3,669,064.02

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda


NAY: None…Motion #2 Carried.

The 65% payment to Northwest Contractors for the exterior signage was discussed and approved. This 2019 construction project has been delayed by the company, but it is about 65% complete now.

The district will also be looking into options for mats.

Motion #3: Approval of Payroll for the Month of March 2020

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Payroll for March 2020, as follows:

Education Fund $2,527,302.64

Building Fund $ 44,177.57

Transportation $ 8,795.80

TOTAL $2,580,276.01

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels


NAY: None…Motion #3 Carried.

Communication/Public Participation of Agenda Items: None

Presentations: None

Committee Report:

LEND meeting of April 24, 2020 – Mr. Williams reported on the following:

• Representative Terra Costa Howard was available for a Q&A for about half an hour. She shared that currently there is no input happening from the state representatives and senators, everything is being handled at a higher level.

• After many years of service, Mr. Williams’ term as LEND Co-Chair is coming to an end in 2020. Mr. Keeley will be joining the Executive Committee to represent our district.

• They had business department folks complete their audit this past year because the budget is simpler now, and so an outside auditor is not needed.

• They recalculated the dues and ours will go down about 4.5%, they may possibly decrease again next year.

• Out of 100 LEND members, 52 responded to the survey on how well the Executive Director is doing, overall the results were positive.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Langton reported on the following:

• Due to COVID-19, the suspension of in-person learning for our students for the final 48 school days of the 2019/2020 school year represents 27% of school days. Many of our students are actively engaged and participate daily in Remote Learning activities. Mr. Langton is especially appreciative to everyone who has contributed to our success with these students, including staff, parents, and most importantly our students. Unfortunately, some of our students have not been engaged or have had inconsistent contact with their teachers. We are working to reduce these numbers so that more students have opportunities to learn and be supported.

• Thank you to our district office administrators and all our school administrators for their focused and collaborative leadership.

• Our Business Office and Facilities Department have also continued serving our school district’s needs during these unique circumstances. Kudos to Gina Grabowski for her efforts providing direction for our food service efforts to ensure that our children continue receiving two meals each day during the Remote Learning weeks.

• As we wait for further direction and decisions regarding this summer and next fall, our teams are considering the various challenges for returning to in-person learning. This includes protocols for managing groups, students and staff. We anticipate guidance from the ISBE Superintendent regarding opening schools in the future. Most importantly, we will need to prepare for supporting students’ academic gaps, which will certainly exist.

• There was one FOIA request and Mr. Wartman has responded.

Mr. Towns asked what kinds of things can we plan now, so we’re ahead of the curve? Mr. Langton shared that it is hard to know what learning will look like in the Fall, but the district is having discussions on options.

Assistant Superintendent for Business – Mr. Tim Keeley reported on the following:

• The punch list is down to just a few items for the summer 2019 construction projects. We continue to be frustrated with the exterior signage project but have been persistent throughout this complex process. With the approval of the monthly accounts payable, the Board is authorizing the first dollars towards this portion of the scope. We are only releasing a portion of the funds in relation to the proportionate work completed as of this time. It is our sincere hope that final completion can be achieved in the coming weeks and with that, final payment presented to the Board at the May Board Meeting.

• With the official closing of school, both ICI and the ASD4 Facilities Department are pivoting to allow the transition to full interior renovation work towards the summer 2020 construction projects. This is a very complex process that involves coordinating removal of district and staff- owned belongings from the area affected, all while maintaining safe social distancing. As we receive information on the impact to the construction schedule, it will be shared with the Board.

• The Business Office is in the process of constructing the FY21 Tentative Budget, which will be reviewed in early June by the Budget Committee and presented for Board approval at the June Regular Board of Education Meeting. Given the fluidity of future funding brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, we anticipate the Tentative Budget will include assumptions related to a reduction or delay in property tax collection as well as possible state funding adjustments related to ISBE funding or federal CARES funding.

Mr. Towns asked about the amendment request for the bus companies. Mr. Keeley and Mr. Langton shared that no local tax money should go to fund overhead costs of for-profit companies during this time. Even though we understand the place they are in during these challenging times, we are paying for a service that we’re not currently receiving. So, the district will pay a daily rate for bus drivers, but it needs to be reimbursed, if we are not refunded. The bus companies must provide the accounting to show that those specific people are getting paid.

Mr. Towns also asked what do we have that belongs to students and when will they get their items? Mr. Langton shared that teachers will pack everything up and the students will get their items when they turn in their Chromebooks.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning – Mrs. Donna Haney reported on the following:

• Teaching and learning have taken on a different twist since mid-March. District administrators, principals, teachers, related services, and paraeducators have been working diligently to ensure we are meeting the needs of all learners during this time. Teachers are providing instructional activities that are aligned to the essential learning standards. Activities are required in order to determine acquired learning.

• Due to our Remote Learning status, students will receive a Pass/Incomplete grade on completed work and assessments for Q4 or T3 in all areas. Students without Internet access, completing the available packets, should turn those in upon completion. Students who do not show evidence of engagement in learning activities or do not complete work will receive an Incomplete (I). An incomplete may result in additional coursework or intervention. Teachers will record an ‘X’ for skills not presented during this time.

• Special education teachers and related service staff members have continued creating lessons and assignments that follow the students’ IEP objectives, while also collaborating closely with classroom teachers to accommodate or modify any classroom-based assignments to help meet student individual needs. Special education staff will also report on progress goals on the end of the year IEP progress report. All IEP meetings are taking place virtually.

• These expectations are based on the Remote Learning Recommendations from the Illinois State Board of Education on March 27, 2020.

• We are supporting staff through the Remote Learning process in several ways. Due to the current situation, the state has included five Remote Planning Days. We have designated every other Wednesday as a Remote Planning Day for teachers to meet with their grade level team/department, principals, IS staff, or the curriculum department to support them in their planning for student instruction. Learning activities are still assigned on these days, but teachers may not be immediately available for parent/student email responses.

• With an increase in the use of technology remotely, the Technology Department has seen an increase in tech tickets. They have been vigilant in troubleshooting staff and student computer issues.

• For the 2020-2021 school year, the district office leadership team is working on a plan to address student learning gaps due to Remote Learning. We are considering many options and during this planning process, we will be taking all variables into consideration, while being cognizant of the guidelines and restrictions from the state regarding social distancing.

• With Kindergarten Camp being canceled this summer, our team submitted an amendment to the After-School Program Grant to reallocate funds to research and purchase readiness materials for our incoming kindergarten students. We are currently investigating supplies that will be organized into a backpack. These backpacks will provide incoming kindergarten students with foundational skills in order to ensure a successful transition to kindergarten and improve their academic outcomes while in kindergarten.

• Due to Remote Learning, all state testing has been canceled and all end of year benchmark assessments will not take place. ACCESS scores should be available on May 7. We will be sending home student reports and making placement recommendations for our EL students for the 2020- 2021 school year.

• Committee meetings are taking place virtually. EDC will be discussing our professional development needs for next year. Fifth grade transition meetings have been taking place virtually. Katie Purse has put a process in place that will ensure our students will be placed appropriately in 6th grade.

Mr. Langton shared that at the start of the year a third of families reported that they do not have internet at home. But the daily average for students practicing in online remote learning is around 75%. We also have a small percentage of students who are turning in paper assignments.

Mr. Williams asked how many students do we have no contact with? Mr. Langton said it is currently around 5-6%, but the Addison Police and Fire Departments have been fantastic with helping us with wellness checks.

Mr. Langton added that with the Governor mentioning that schools should prep for e-learning in the Fall. Mr. Towns shared that he liked that the district is exploring options for next school year, even though we are not sure what the start of next school year will look like.

Mr. Towns asked about how specials teachers have been participating in online learning. Mrs. Haney shared that in middle school they follow their class period schedule and in elementary school there is a rotation schedule. Paras are being provided with professional development and are encouraged to be a part of their classroom’s activities.

Mr. Ruffolo asked if there were equipment issues and the Technology Department are helping students with issues digitally and in person, if needed.

Mr. Daniels asked what is going to happen with students who receive incompletes? Mrs. Haney shared that options are being explored for extended learning opportunities.

Motion #4: Acceptance of Resignation Requests

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Towns to accept the resignation requests for the following individuals:


Leticia Beristain Effective Date: 05/29/2020

Position: Dual Language Kindergarten School: Lincoln


Melba Calit Effective Date: 06/30/2020

Position: Director of Business & Employee Services School: District Office

Hilda Gomez Effective Date: 03/27/2020

Position: Para Educator School: Wesley

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #4 Carried.

Mr. Langton congratulated Melba on her retirement and thanked her for everything she’s done for the Business Office.

Motion #5 Approval of Employment Requests

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the employment requests for the following individuals:


Susana Alvardo Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: Middle School Dual Language School: Indian Trail JH

Andrea Flores Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: 4th Grade Dual Language School: Lake Park

Ariana Guerrero Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: 2nd Grade Dual Language School: Lincoln

Melissa Molinar Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: Dual Language Preschool Expansion School: Early Learning Center

Liliana Ortega Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: Kindergarten Dual Language School: Lincoln

Cassidy Walsh Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: Psychologist School: Lake Park/Wesley


Brendan Marshall Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Position: Director of Communications & Community Engagement School: District Office

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange


NAY: None…Motion #5 Carried.

Motion #6: Approval of New Administrator Employment Contract for 2020-2021

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the new administrator employment contract for 2020-2021.


Janette Barrett Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Position: Dean of Students School: Indian Trail Jr. High

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo


NAY: None…Motion #6 Carried.

Motion #7: Establishment of the end of the School Year 2019-2020

Motion by Mr. Aranda, second by Mr. Lange to approve the establishment of the end of the school year 2019-2020 as May 29, 2020, for students and for teachers.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns


NAY: None…Motion #7 Carried.

Motion #8: Approval of Crossing Guard Contract Amendment

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the crossing guard contract amendment, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #8 Carried.

Motion #9: Approval of 403b Plan Restatement

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Daniels to approve the 403b plan restatement, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda


NAY: None…Motion #9 Carried.

Motion #10: Waiver of 2nd Reading and Approval of Board Policy Updates

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Daniels to waive the second reading and approve the board policy updates, as presented.

Policy # Reason for Change

5:125 Review

6:235 Amended

6:235-AP1 New

6:235-AP1, E1 New

6:235-AP1, E2 New

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels


NAY: None…Motion #10 Carried.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 7:00pm and the location is TBD.

• Mr. Langton shared information on Diane Morrill’s Memorial Scholarship.

• Mr. Langton discussed the refund of fees. He is recommended that registration fees should not be refunded, transportation fees should be proportionally refunded, and all miscellaneous fees like field trips should be fully refunded.

• Mr. Langton discussed the options for the end of the year celebrations. Indian Trail is exploring using Zoom for their 8th Grade Awards Night and the Promotional Exercise.

• Mr. Langton shared information on the 2020-2021 school registration process.

• The first reading of Board Policy updates was given to the Board by Mr. Langton. Mr. Daniels, Mr. Lange and Mr. Aranda made recommendations to the Board and approval will be sought in the May 27, 2020 Board meeting.

• There were no communications to and from the Board according to board policy 2:140.

Communication/Public Participation of Non-Agenda Items: None

Miscellaneous/Unfinished Business: None

Motion #11: Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Lange to adjourn the Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Board of Education meeting.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #11 Carried.

The regular Board of Education meeting adjourned at 6:48p.m.
