
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Village of Westmont Administration & Finance Committee met March 14


Village of Westmont Administration & Finance Committee met March 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:






A. February 14, 2019 Administration Finance Committee - Minutes were not available to be approved. Will move to the April meeting

The Village Manager Report was moved to the front of the agenda so Manager May could introduce the CUSD 201 Miller School Genius Hour program. School staff presented the idea of the program: Mrs. Billie and Mrs. Nanalig. Google sponsors Genius Hour as a volunteer activity for employees. Covers the common core state standards for ELA, reading, and language arts. Students are given the opportunity to learn about anything that they are interested in and want to do. Projects are researched and created 100% in the classroom. The powerpoint presented explained the steps and showed a variety of student projects. Mr. Carter Sullivan presented his project to the board, a new traffic pattern for downtown Westmont. Mr. Sullivan has interviewed Manager May during his brainstorming, finally se ling on a second crossing on Park Street as Cass Avenue would not be possible to go over or under the railroad crossing. Carter showed a model of his idea for a crossing.

Mr. Wyller the principal thanked the staff of his school for making these advanced projects possible.


A. Lions Club Event - Desire for an October event in the commuter parking lot and a 5 K was presented by Director McIntyre. Lion’s member Dan discussed his idea for the event regarding community health education presented in the style of former Pow Wow Days in the downtown area.

■ Mayor Gunter asked how many parking spaces were going to be used?

1. 73 spots will be open.

■ Mayor Gunter asked if the commuters would be displaced?

1. Only Friday evening at the front half.

■ Trustee Addington stated that there was a resolution in the 1970’s that said the parking lot could be used once a year displacing the commuters.

■ The map of the 5K “Running for a Cause” was presented, interested in having it sanctioned by Cara. In years to come it could be a 10K.

■ Mayor Gunter said that the 100th Anniversary we could have Pow Wow days in coordination with this event.

1. Trustee Addington stated that Pow Wow Days was run by the Lion’s Club for over 25 years and would very much like to do so again for the 100th anniversary.

■ Discussion of the neighborhood and keeping the street open for business ensued. Communication to the residents that live in the area.

1. Trustee Nero said that it can be a good thing for the community, Race to the Flag is fun running through his neighborhood.

2. Trustee Guzzo asked about the start me on Friday.

a. 3pm was the response.

B. Westmont Contest Results for “Bestmont” - there were many categories and

children of various grade levels showed their posters and were photographed. There were six adults in two different categories. A song was wri en and the recording presented. T-shirts with a winning design were passed out to all the participants.

C. Bond Issuance - Director Parker presented information on the bond issue to provide funds for the public works facility upgrade to meet EPA regula ons. Raymond James is recommended to be the municipal advisor, it is on tonight’s board agenda. Tom Chapman from Raymond James will present the timeline. First, the purpose of the bonds is for the facility, funding is to pledge income tax and water sales.

■ Mayor Gunter asked if the plan was to pledge these taxes and then to reimburse “ourselves” with the additional places for eating tax?

1. Director Parker stated that the goal is to not have this pledge as part of the property taxes.

Mr. Chapman reviewed the timetable that will allow the bonds to be issued, these are the same type of bonds issued previously. Regulations and ratings were reviewed. 

■ Mayor Gunter asked what the total issue dollar amount will be?

1. Director Parker responded $17 million, tonight’s agenda will list it as not to exceed $17.5 million to make sure the actual cash will be $17 million + fees.

■ Mayor Gunter asked how the rates are right now?

1. Mr. Chapman responded that it was looking up right now, June should be a great month to see a good demand. The rate at 3.60%.

D. Parking Meters - Director Parker said the last budget mee ng was a discussion of the meters on Burlington being overhauled. Deputy Chief Gruen presented the informa on for the vendor. Sta ng that we had 53 meters between Rosalyn & Williams the average in use is 8-10, with 15 being in disrepair. The pay online, by smartphone, or a phone call allowing for payment to make it easier for consumers and for the village. Currently the 12 hour charge is $2.00, surrounding communi es are at $3.00. The fee for the company is $00.37 per transac on, currently the company passes the fee onto the user or we could have the fee paid by the Village. Also available, is the ability to put signs up for zones in for parking for overnight parking or weekend parking in areas that are not currently used by commuters.

■ Mayor Gunter asked if the company sets the user fee?

1. DC Gruen responded that it was set by the vendor and the fee depended upon the package chosen.

■ Trustee Nero asked if this was even worth it for the couple thousand dollars that the meters brought in? Trustee Barker agreed. 

1. Manager May said that the purpose of any meter is not about making money it is about controlling traffic patterns and turning over parking. If there is no monitoring system it just would be long term parking.

D/C Gruen discussed the numbering of stalls and meters. Stating the CSO has the login to monitor the payment via a website, and the person parking can check the time on their phone and add to it from their phone.

Fees were discussed and how changing it to $3.00 would help to cover the fees.

● Trustee Liddle asked if they would replace the meters?

a. D/C Gruen replied that the meter would just be stickered as they would be unnecessary.

b. Manager May discussed the different costs for the different op ons, said that this is something to be added into the budget for next year.

c. Trustee Guzzo stated that weekend parking should be looked into, it is something that people would be interested in for going downtown for the weekend. It is a good op on. As we do not allow for overnight parking right now.

d. Manager May asked if there had been a survey of BNSF line municipalities?

i. DC Gruen said yes, and it ranged from $2.50-$3.00 based on how close you were.

e. Trustee Liddle asked what ac on was needed?

i. Manager May said if we move forward, it would be a budget item during the budget workshop.

f. Consensus was to move forward, charging the $3.00 and absorbing all fees.

E. Parking Permit Fees - Director Parker presented information on the A and B permit parking fees at $100.00 per quarter. A survey of the costs between the various BNSF municipality parking fees showed that we are a little higher than some and lower than others.

■ Trustee Barry said if we are not the highest than this is the me to raise the rate to allow us to upgrade the streetscape.

■ Trustee Addington stated that the monthly train pass is lower than Downers Grove.

■ Trustee Bary said that we should match Clarendon Hills, we are an express stop. $500.00 a year.

■ Trustee Barker asked when the last me we raised the rate?

1. Director Parker said he believed 2010, Clerk Szymski replied that it was $75.00 per quarter before that.

Discussion of train fare fees, parking garages, and sold out lots in other communities.

1. Mayor Gunter asked what the es mated revenue would be if we raised it to $125.00 a quarter.

a. Director Parker replied that it would be approximately $35K a year.

ii. Director Parker raised the idea of permit parking for Mopeds being added as well.


MISC: Clerk Szymski reminded everyone to file their Statement of Economic Interest.

VII. ADJOURN (next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2019)
