
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Village of Lisle Transportation Commission will meet November 1.


Village of Lisle Transportation Commission on Thursday November 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

The purpose of this meeting is as follows:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of last meeting’s minutes.

3. A review of issues at Yender/Middleton.

The roadway configuration in the vicinity of Yender Ave./Middleton Ave./Western Ct. has been in place for approximately 50 years. Residents are concerned about the volume of traffic that uses these roads and are particularly concerned with the volume of commercial traffic that uses these roads. Each of these roads has a five ton weight limit restriction. Within the past two years there have been signage updates in the area, including more 5 Ton Weight Limit signs, and a change of a Yield sign to a Stop sign.

Topics regarding this area include the updated signage, speed enforcement, and weight restrictions. Also to be discussed is the possibility of closing Western Ct. at Yender Ave.

4. Any other items of concern to the Commission.

Commission members who are unable to attend the meeting, should contact Sgt. Tim Dempsey.
