
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Elmhurst to replace dated water meters to help prevent loss

After losing up to 20 percent of its water distribution to unaccounted-for issues, the city of Elmhurst has decided to replace residential and commercial water meters throughout the city, according to the city's website.

The work, which will take place this fall, will get rid of most of the 14,000 meters that have outlived their usefulness after 25 years.

“The City has signed a contract with Siemens to replace all existing water meters with highly accurate water meters. These new water meters will also aid in detecting leaks,” the city posted.  “The new water meters have the ability to provide on-demand reads as well as leak and tampering alerts. A web based customer portal will also be available for residents to electronically monitor for leaks, and manage their water consumption online.”

To have the free meters installed, residents need to have someone 18 years or older at home. The only change residents should notice is that the city will now record usage in gallons rather than cubic meters, the city said.