
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rep. Breen: Thank God Gov. Rauner doesn't discriminate against staff over abortion

Peter breen

Illinois Representative Peter Breen (R-48th) | www.reppeterbreen.org

Illinois Representative Peter Breen (R-48th) | www.reppeterbreen.org

State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) recently slammed Democrats for their continued attacks on Brittany Carl, a pro-life member of Gov. Bruce Rauner's communications staff.

He also praised Rauner for supporting Carl, who he described as a "a smart competent woman."

"In her private capacity, well before taking a public political position with the Rauner administration, Brittany Carl wrote articles linking her strong feminist position with her equally strong pro-life position," Breen said. "She wrote with the passion and conviction you would expect from an advocate, not the carefully crafted words of a politician.

"While her past writings don't deserve to be judged by the standards of political press releases, folks should heed her core message: a belief in feminism is consistent with with a belief in the dignity and worth of every life, no matter how small," Breen said.

Democrat gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker held a press conference to criticize Carl, calling himself a "proud feminist" and describing Rauner as "heading down a path of bigotry" for hiring a pro-life staff member.

Breen said Pritzker doesn't want to talk about the Democrats' state budget.

"Illinois Democrats and their left-wing allies will do anything to distract from their massive tax increase and Chicago (schools) bailout," Breen said. 

"The leaders of the Democratic Party recently declared that pro-life people cannot be Democrats. Thank God Gov. Rauner, despite being pro-choice, doesn't discriminate against people based on their own personal abortion positions," Breen said.

Chicago Democrats, who control the state legislature, pushed through a state income tax increase while and overriding Rauner's veto. DuPage County taxpayers will pay an additional $557 million in income tax as a result.

Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) recently sent Rauner a bill that would force suburban taxpayers to pay off Chicago Public Schools' $17 billion in debt. Rauner had promised to veto the measure.