
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met June 13

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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met June 13.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

a) Meeting of May 16, 2017

4. Citizens’ Petitions (Pertaining to items appearing on this agenda)*

5. Appointments to Boards & Commissions

6. Village President’s Report

a) Committee Appointments

b) Police Chief Appointment

7. Public Hearings

a) Public Hearing concerning the intent of the Board to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 General

Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of

certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village

b) Public Hearing concerning the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2017-18

8. First Readings - Introduction

Items included for First Reading - Introduction may be disposed of in any one of the

following ways: (1) moved to Consent Agenda for the subsequent meeting of the Board of

Trustees; (2) moved to Second Reading/Non-Consent Agenda for consideration at a future

meeting of the Board of Trustees; or (3) referred to Committee of the Whole or appropriate

Board or Commission. (Note that zoning matters will not be included on any Consent

Agenda; all zoning matters will be afforded a First and a Second Reading. Zoning matters

indicated below by **.)

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Annual Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2017-18

b) Amendment of an Application Service Agreement Between the Village of Hinsdale and

Aptean Inc.

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)

c) Approve a resolution approving and accepting a plat of subdivision to consolidate the

properties commonly known as 540 Dalewood Lane in the Village of Hinsdale, County

of Cook, Illinois

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)

d) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-12-3 of the Village Code of Hinsdale to

allow for the installation of stop signs for north and southbound traffic on Garfield Street

at Walnut

e) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 9-104 (“Off Street Parking”) of the Hinsdale

Zoning Code as it Relates to Regulation of the Location of Secondary Access Drives to

Commercial Properties

f) Text Amendment to Section 5-105 to permit "Educational Services" as a Special Use in

the B-2 and B-3 Districts

g) Approve an Ordinance Approving Variations Relative to Construction of a New

Commercial Building for Use as an Animal Hospital at 724 N. York Road, Hinsdale,

Illinois – Anthony Kremer, D/B/A Hinsdale Animal Hospital – Case Number V-02-17

h) Approve an Ordinance Approving Variations Relative to Construction of a New Shared

Parking Deck at Hinsdale Middle School at 100 S. Garfield Street, Hinsdale, Illinois –

Community Consolidated School District #181/ Village of Hinsdale – Case Number V-03-17

i) Approve an Ordinance Approving a Major Adjustment to a Site Plan and Exterior

Appearance Plan to Add a Parking Deck for a New Middle School at 100 S. Garfield

Street, Hinsdale, Illinois – Community Consolidated School District #181/ Village of


9. Consent Agenda

All items listed below have previously had a First Reading of the Board or are considered

Routine*** and will be moved forward by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of

these items unless a member of the Village Board or citizen so request, in which event the

item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of May 17, 2017 through

June 13, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $2,588,285.89 as set forth on the list provided

by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk***

b) Approve the Donation of a Memorial Bench and Tree to be installed at Melin Park (First

Reading – May 16, 2017)

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)

c) Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wages for Public Works in the Village of

Hinsdale, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

d) To waive bids and award purchase of a replacement combination/backhoe to McCann

utilizing Joint Purchasing Agreement pricing in an amount not to exceed $84,995***

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)

e) Approve a Resolution terminating the intergovernmental agreement between the Villages

of Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Downers Grove, Westmont, and Willow Springs, the Tri

State Fire Protection District, and DuPage Public Safety Communications (DUCOMM) for

the Southeast DuPage County Communications and Radio Networks (First Reading –

May 16, 2017)

f) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Sale by Auction or Disposal of Personal Property

Owned by the Village of Hinsdale***

g) Approve an Ordinance approving a Text Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 1, Article G,

Section 5(D)(2) and (3) to process Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) consistently (First

Reading – May 16, 2017)

10.Second Readings / Non-Consent Agenda - Adoption

These items require action of the Board. Typically, items appearing for Second Reading have

been referred for further discussion/clarification or are zoning cases that require two readings.

In limited instances, items may be included on the Non-Consent Agenda that have not had the

benefit of a First Reading due to emergency nature or time sensitivity.****

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Waive the First Reading and Approve a Resolution Expressing the Intent of the Village

to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation ****

b) Approve a Recreational License Agreement – Third Term Extension and Amendment

with Hinsdale Paddle Tennis Association (HPTA) (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

c) Approve an Ordinance Opting out of the Cook County Minimum Wage Ordinance

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)

d) Approve a Resolution Authorizing Waiver of Construction Noise Hours Limitations

Pursuant to Section 9-12-2 of the Village Code of the Village of Hinsdale – Central

Business District Pavement Removal and Replacement****

e) Waive the first reading and waive competitive bidding to award the contract for

construction of the 2017 Resurfacing (Phase 2) Project to ALamp Concrete Contractors,

Inc. in the amount not to exceed $5,504,275 (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

f) Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (North)

engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed

$143,360 to GSG Consultants Inc. (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

g) Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (South)

engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed

$217,600 to GSG Consultants Inc. (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

h) Approve an Addendum to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Village

of Hinsdale and the Graue Mill Homeowners Association Inc. for the Graue Mill Hazard

Mitigation Project from $104,000 to $237,000 (Discussion Item – May 16, 2017)

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)

i) Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that modifies the Intergovernmental

Agreement with Community Consolidated School District #181 for Temporary parking

conditions during Construction of the Hinsdale Middle School

j) Approve an Agreement with Doherty & Associates to provide Owners Representative

Services for project assistance for the construction of a parking deck at a cost not to

exceed $21,900

11.Discussion Items

a) Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion

b) Construction update

c) Class C – Personal Services, new requests for license

1) Nourished Table & Home, 111 S. Vine

2) Elysian Nail Spa, 24 W. Chicago Avenue

12.Department and Staff Reports

a) Treasurer’s Report

b) Economic Development

c) Community Development

d) Parks & Recreation

 13.Reports from Advisory Boards and Commissions

14.Other Business

15.New Business

16.Citizens’ Petitions (Pertaining to any Village Issue)*

17.Trustee Comments

18.Closed Session– 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1)/(2)/(3)/(5)/(8)/(11)/(21)


Prior to asking for a motion to adjourn the meeting, the Village President will confirm whether

a Committee of the Whole meeting will be convened.
